Brenda’s Bulletin

April 29, 2011 Easter Report

Posted on April 29, 2011 at 12:29 pm by Brenda Matthews

Thank you all for your prayers for the Easter evangelistic campaign. I asked you to pray specifically for Johnny and Esther who are now part of God’s family!!! I was sure Johnny was close to making a decision for Christ, but Esther surprised me when she said that she also wanted to give her life to the Lord. Follow-up would be a lot easier if they were still my neighbours, but they moved a month ago. Please keep them in your prayers.

I was hoping to give you a detailed report about the results, but those details weren’t tracked. I can let you know that 81 people went forward when the invitation was given to receive Christ as Saviour. Of that group, several were people wanting to recommit their lives while others wanted prayer or counseling. I can’t tell you how many made professions of faith in Christ, but it’s still time to rejoice!

Tuesday evening we had a reception for the new believers. I’m guessing there were about 20 in attendance, not including Johnny and Esther and others who couldn’t make it that night. Please pray that the seed sown will take root and that the new believers will get involved in the church and the classes being offered to them. Pray for growth and steadfastness for those who recommitted their lives to the Lord and pray for those who are struggling to make the decision to abandon their sins and embrace the Saviour and His gift of eternal life.

Of much less significance, I am rejoicing on the completion of a goal. To my shame, over the last year, over 1,000 letters had accumulated in my inbox that I intended to answer. Over the last couple of weeks, I have worked determinedly at answering them and it did feel good when I answered the last one. I’ve even been able to keep up the last few days, so, knowing that it won’t last, I enjoyed a few moments staring at an empty inbox before posting this update.

I do love to hear from you and I can’t express my gratitude for your prayers. Be assured that I read mail with delight, but my problem is in answering. Thanks for your patience with me, for continuing to write even without a personal answer, and for your prayers and support. You are profoundly appreciated.

Serving our Risen Lord,


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