Brenda’s Bulletin

December 13, 2010 Sudden Change of Plans

Posted on December 13, 2010 at 7:35 am by Brenda Matthews

A few hours after posting my last note, I received the news that my Dad passed away peacefully in his sleep last night.  I am glad that Dad is now whole and rejoicing in the Lord’s presence, but I’d appreciate your prayers for Mom and the family.

I’d also appreciate your prayers as I need guidance and wisdom from the Lord in making decisions.  I need to make travel arrangements from Peru to Canada, but some of the factors are that I need to be here to receive a short-term missionary tomorrow (Tuesday) and give him some orientation, and  I also need to leave the youth activity and the small group activity (both for this weekend) in capable hands. 

A few days ago, I had no voice due to the complications with allergies, so I’m glad I have some voice to be able to make the necessary arrangements.  But I am concerned about the effect of cold weather on my health, so please pray for healing and good health.

Continually grateful for your prayers,


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