Brenda’s Bulletin

August 6, 2013 Look at the Birds

Posted on August 5, 2013 at 10:52 pm by Brenda Matthews

"Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? … Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." (Matthew 6:26, 33 – NLT)

After identifying the birds I photographed in Chile, I was inspired to do the same with the birds I see in the park my apartment opens onto. I thought there were 5 or 6 species, but have so far photographed and identified over 30… and all the photos were taken from my apartment or rooftop in the last month or so! I hope you will take some time (on various days) to take a look at the beauty of God’s creation. You’ll have to copy and paste the links into your web browser. Click on the photo or video to enlarge it. There are a lot of photos, so below each link, I’ll list the birds and note what you really need to see. :) I’ve noted the names in English/Spanish. (I would prefer to send one album a week, but I would use up the space allotment too quickly.)


* I’m just enjoying nature – by no means am I an authority on these birds!

* I’m holding the camera, so please excuse the movement in the videos.

* You may need to wait while the video downloads, but I think it’s worth the wait.

* You’ll notice my fascination with some birds, mostly because I love the bright colours.

* If you can help identify the ones I’m not sure about, or if you notice a correction, please let me know.

* From all I’ve read, there’s not much difference between the Smooth-billed Ani and the Groove-billed Ani other than the bill. I think both are present in the park, but I’m not positive about that.

* The “West Peruvian Dove aka Pacific Dove… is closely related to the North American White-winged Dove, but is now considered to be a separate species by ornithologists…”

* Some unidentified birds may be the female or in a different stage of an identified species, or they may be a different species or a sub-species.

* There may be more than one species among the unidentified, so I left lots of photos for you to help identify them!

* A lot of times, the sound is the song of a bird(s) you’re not looking at. If it’s pleasant, it’s probably the Long-tailed Mockingbird. If it’s just noisy, it’s probably the Fasciated Wrens. Sometimes I noted when you hear the actual bird sing.

* The Orange-winged Parrot is probably an escapee as they live in the jungle.

* Love is in the air… and some other videos are pretty funny (watch the parrotlets).

I’ve learned a lot about these birds and their behaviours as I’ve worked on this little project. And for the animal lovers, there are iguanas and squirrels.

Did you know squirrels can do somersaults?

Check it out and enjoy the photos and videos!



  • Green Iguana
  • Guayaquil Squirrel



  • Vermilion Flycatcher
  • Saffron Finch
  • Long-tailed Mockingbird
  • Blue-gray Tanager
  • Tropical Kingbird
  • Unidentified Seedeater or Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch or Saffron Finch or Lesser Elaenia or ???



  • Amazilia Hummingbird
  • Fasciated Wren
  • Possible other type of wren
  • Unidentified doves – white masks
  • Unidentified dove – white eye-liner
  • Feral Pigeons
  • Common Ground Dove
  • Eared Dove
  • West Peruvian Dove
  • Green Pacific Parrotlet



  • Baird’s Flycatcher
  • Black Vulture
  • Unidentified Vulture or Hawk
  • Variable Hawk
  • American Kestrel
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Streaked Saltator
  • Pacific Hornero
  • Peruvian Pygmy-Owl – You need to watch the video titled WATCH! Peruvian Pygmy-Owl



  • Groove-billed Ani
  • Smooth-billed Ani
  • White-tailed Jay
  • Scrub Blackbird
  • Wood Stork
  • Swallows or Martins
  • Great White Heron
  • Mob against an intruder
  • Unidentified – gulls?
  • Humour



  • White-edged Oriole
  • Orange-winged Parrot
  • Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
  • Black-necked Woodpecker
  • Bananaquit

If you click on the links in the website it might take you directly to the album clicked on.

Here’s one prayer request: please pray for the salvation of two unsaved ladies coming to the small group who are looking for God. Jessica is in the black top and Salomé in the fuchsia. (Mary is missing in the photo.  The others are Jenny, Gabriela and Irma.)

July 26 001

Seeking the Kingdom of God,


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