This will be a quick report. There’s a first time for everything!
For the first time in my life, I had viral conjunctivitis. I think I caught it early and started the meds right away, so it was a short-lived problem. My back and hip complications continue, so I’d appreciate your prayers for good health.
This month, the El Faro church kicked off the small group ministry with enthusiasm. I was encouraged when all the members of my group expressed their desire to stay together instead of joining one of the other eight groups. This photo is from our first meeting under the new structure. One lady was missing, but she plans to bring a friend who has expressed interest in the group and one of the husbands hopes to join us in October. Please pray for growth in community and in our spiritual maturity.
I am enjoying a new area of service. Willy sends me the content for the small group discussions, and I format it into a page to be sent to the leaders, which includes instructions, and another page for the participants so they have the conversation questions and memory verse on their phones.
Another church joined El Faro to celebrate Mexican Independence Day, which doubled as a fundraiser for the youth camp that the two churches are planning together. There was enthusiastic participation in the celebration followed by a meal of Mexican tamales and some fun activities.
Our team of greeters has completed their first three-month commitment. I met with a new lady last night, and she has joined the team. I am about to ask the current members to commit for another three months before preparing our next schedule. Overall, they are serving well. Please pray for a renewed commitment and a desire to seek ways to improve their service.
Prayer Requests for October
One of the young men and I will be teaching Level 3 in parts each week, as well as in full on one Saturday. This level encourages people to discover their spiritual gifts and analyze their lives to prayerfully determine potential areas of service in the church. Please pray that the Spirit guides each person into active service in El Faro. Please also pray for Willy and me as we review the materials for Level 4.
I was hoping to share good news with you about the property title, but there has been a delay. You may remember the situation I previously described, involving the couples referred to as Red and Blue. Initially, Red posed a threat, but now it is Blue who is delaying things. Please pray that Blue signs the necessary letter so that the document we have been waiting for can proceed. Once that happens, there will be another major hurdle that will again require cooperation from Red and Blue. Please pray fervently that the property title is transferred to the name of the El Faro church.
Thank you so much for your prayers and continued interest in the ministry here in La Paz.
May God richly bless you!