Brenda’s Bulletin

October 16, 2022 Enjoying Life in La Paz, Mexico

October 16, 2022 - 4:15 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

I apologize for not getting a report off in September.  I arrived back in La Paz without any problems mid-August.  The driver’s license renewal went smoothly, and some other issues have been resolved.  A few years ago, I saw a doctor about a growth who said that nothing needed to be done unless it grew.  In the last couple of weeks, it grew.  I went to the doctor again yesterday for a follow-up appointment and ended up in surgery!  It’s not a big deal.  I had the time, and the surgeon had the time, and the doctor had the time, so we did it fifteen minutes later.  Just like in Canada, eh?… NOT!  But I would appreciate your prayers for a complete and speedy recovery.  Belkis just had a planned surgery on Friday and would also appreciate your prayers for a speedy recovery.

I wish I had news to share with you of answers to our prayers regarding the property situation.  Unfortunately, no steps have been taken to resolve the issue, but there has been no further aggression either.  Please continue to pray for a resolution to the property issue that would glorify God.

2022 Oct Favorite Things 6I have had two major areas of ministry.  I was given an opportunity to share about my HA (Home Assignment) and then asked to teach through the biblical basis of the church’s purpose statement in the Ladies’ Ministry.  That has been a challenge and a joy and will continue into December.  The other focus has been on finishing the materials for the Healthy Church strategy.  I am happy to report that each of the four levels has a teacher’s and a participant’s book with an accompanying Ppt presentation.  There are just a few details left to get in order.  What a relief to have that done!  The leadership just gave me the names of the potential teachers of the course, so now my focus is on arranging the times to meet with them to go through the material.  All those who complete the course and can commit to it wholeheartedly will then be divided into teams to teach the classes to the church.  We hope to begin introducing the classes in January, so please pray for the timing of the training and the commitment of those who respond to the invitation to participate.

2022 Oct Favorite Things 35I was back in La Paz for a month before my first opportunity to spend a day off enjoying life underwater again and have tried to make these trips weekly.  (These are a few favorite creatures to see.)  I continue to spend the time marveling at the beauty and diversity of God’s creation and discovering new fish.  2022 Oct Favorite Things 5Recently I’ve seen a couple of fish that my book says are rare sightings for this area and also a baby of a more common fish.  I love new discoveries almost as much as studying God’s Word.  “Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end.  Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.  Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.  Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.  Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.  Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared.  Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good.  How I long for your precepts!  In your righteousness preserve my life.”  (Psalm 119:33-40)

Wishing you a belated Canadian Thanksgiving and an early American Thanksgiving,

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