I’m sure you know how it is when there are so many things that need to be done right away that you feel overwhelmed. This month has been like that. It seems that each project that I start has an obstacle to be dealt with first and that each step just leads to more complications. My frustration level was maxed out when I opened the program to prepare this letter only to find that everything had changed. You reading this means that after hours of trying to figure this out, someone was able to help me and resolve the issues… or that I am sending this one email at a time.
Earlier this year I had the joy of visiting as many supporters in Ontario as I could. The rest of you live coast to coast Canada and the US and my intention is to visit as many of you as possible next year. It seemed like a logistical nightmare (getting TEAM approval, finding flights, confirming people would be home, setting the order, deciding to fly or drive, etc. – and setting it up in a 3-month period). I finally started tackling the project by lining up dates with my supporting churches. To take advantage of recent sales, I worked on the first leg of the trip because it involved a lot of flights and ticket purchases. Change the hair colour in the above image to grey/gray (both are correct) and that’s me working on all those details at the same time as well as doing ministry and life here!
[A knight in shining armour just rescued me by making the necessary adjustments in this program. I won’t be up all night sending this one at a time! Thank you!!!]
I plan to be in KS, WA, OR and AB the end of April to mid-May. The next leg will be MI, IL, WI, and IN the rest of May into June. Following that will be NY, NB, NS, and PEI. In the next weeks I’ll be trying to contact those in these areas. I’d appreciate your prayers coordinating the rest of the trip and for the provision of a vehicle. I am really sorry that I won’t be able to include everyone because each of you are special to me and I am grateful for your prayer and financial support and your friendship. We can pray that the Lord provide a way.
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:19, NLT
Another stressful element was working on next year’s budget. Some of you find that invigorating, but it is draining for me. Once a few related problems are resolved, the deficit should almost be worked out. The Lord has been so faithful in supplying all my needs and raising up faithful supporters that I am confident He will continue to do so as we depend on Him. Again, let me express how grateful I am for each of you who give and/or pray… and help with tech needs and in so many other ways!

Our ladies’ group bid farewell to Carmen as she and her husband finished helping her daughter and moved back to their home. This week I finished teaching the biblical basis of our purpose statement (hanging behind me) with the word “serve” and then we put it into practice and began decorating the church for Christmas. Each week we will add another portion completing it for our church celebration December 18. Please be in prayer as the church prepares for and then celebrates our Lord’s incarnation. And pray that the Lord be preparing the hearts of those we invite to the service for His honour and glory.
This week we should finish the overview of the Healthy Church materials. I will need to help a few catch up on the parts they missed and have some corrections to make and then I hope to send it off to the printer. In the next few weeks, I will be interviewing those who attended to work at discovering who the teachers will be and how we will be organized. Please pray for a sincere commitment and a servant-heart on the part of those who will participate.

My last day off a couple of weeks ago was also the last time in the water until it warms up again. You could guess which is the Redshoulder Wrasse (1st sighting) and the Zebra Moray Eel. With the more comfortable weather, it’s more enjoyable to go birdwatching to get into nature and enjoy more of God’s beautiful creation. That, for me, is invigorating!

As we move into the Christmas season, let’s keep our focus on the reason for the celebration. Jesus left the unimaginable glory of heaven and took on our human frailties because of His deep love of us and desire for us to be in a personal, restored relationship with God.
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. — John 3:16
Grateful for your prayers and desiring you a blessed Christmas,
