Brenda’s Bulletin

February 24, 2023 Expectations

February 24, 2023 - 8:40 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)

Any time of the year is a good time to reflect on and to celebrate the love of God! 

Our Tuesday morning Ladies’ Group started up again the beginning of this month with an organizational meeting.  On the 14th these verses were assigned to meditate on during the week with a discussion of them this last week.  The level of participation exceeded my expectations!  We also celebrated birthdays.


When I was considering what to do for the Bible study, I read what some colleagues in Guadalajara are doing in their church. They shared a synopsis of a book on biblical meditation that they had read and how the practice of meditating on the Word of God was impacting them and their church. Meditation means focusing our minds on God’s Word (not emptying them) and putting the Word of God into practice. Each day of the week, the verse to meditate on is being shared in a different translation. Various components of meditation and Bible study were shared to apply to the verse so observations could be recorded in their notebooks to share at the next meeting.

The ladies exceeded my expectations as all of them brought their notebooks and had done at least minimal work and in that all but three of them participated voluntarily in sharing their observations, insights, and the application to their lives. I guided the conversation and shared, but the ladies jumped right in with their comments and testimonies. As the weeks go on, I hope to have the wonderful problem of not being able to share because they would fill the time with their enthusiastic participation. Please pray that we all allow the Word of God to dwell richly in our hearts and minds and that His Spirit transforms our lives.

Last month I shared with you about how the opportunity for El Faro to accept or reject. I was hoping to be able to release you from the confidentiality request, but that remains in place for now.

There has been forward momentum. We (Willy & Isela – the candidates, Manuel – their pastor, Rafa & Betty – El Faro, and I) held a meeting with a few of the key leaders of El Faro to explain how we saw God’s hand at work providing this opportunity for El Faro. I led the meeting following the same format of each of the “we” sharing their perspective of how God was leading. Change is always difficult (except sometimes when we initiate it!), but these leaders agreed that God was presenting an opportunity that we should pursue. This group was asked to be the transition team. A subsequent meeting was held with them to continue the discussion and arrangements and will continue to function until the transition is completed.

In replies to recent correspondence, I asked for prayer for the upcoming meetings. I explained that we had a meeting on Thursday and that if it went well, the announcement would be shared with the church on Sunday. The “if it went well” clause was purposeful because yesterday’s meeting included the rest of the team that has been helping Rafa. In my opinion, there is a gap in the levels of spiritual maturity between those on the transition team and the new participants. Although I expected resistance, I was hopeful. My Bible reading before last week’s meeting with the transition team included the account of the twelve spies sent to explore the Promised Land in Numbers 13 and 14. My Bible reading yesterday included Deuteronomy 1 which recounts the episode with the spies. My prayer was/is that El Faro respond as the two spies who trusted in God’s Word and not as the ten rebellious spies who trusted in themselves (their abilities or lack thereof).

Rafa led the meeting. Even before he had finished explaining what the opportunity was, one person spoke out that he was against it with others agreeing with him. Instead of dealing with the issue, Rafa continued what he was saying and ended the meeting. The attitudes weren’t beyond what I expected, but I was expecting a discussion to clarify doubts and misconceptions as well as to answer questions. I assumed that ending the meeting was just ending the zoom call with those from Mexicali so that the El Faro group would be able to have a conversation, but the six helpers all left, with one apologizing that she had to leave with her husband.

The transition team remained. It was good to hear their commitment to their belief that God is leading El Faro to accept Willy as the new pastor and to hear their concern that those who left have a change of heart because it was evident from near the beginning that their minds were made up without listening to what was being shared. I asked if we couldn’t spend some time in prayer, so we expressed our dependence on the Lord’s leading and asked Him to work in the hearts of all of us to obediently follow Him and submit to His will. Please join us in prayer and for the Lord to clearly lead in the next meeting. Until this has been announced to the church, please continue to support us in prayer. After it has been announced, we will still cherish your prayers, but it could be openly commented about. The transition won’t happen for several months, but it would be good for the church to know as soon as possible to work through the challenges that come with change.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV)


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