Brenda’s Bulletin

March 19, 2023 Good News!

March 19, 2023 - 12:38 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

As we approach Easter, there is a lot of good news to share. In this letter, the photos were taken by others. Also, you can view TEAM’s Annual Report at

The ladies’ group continues to be a source of joy. They are becoming more confident to share what they are learning as we meditate on a Scripture verse or passage for the week. A couple of the ladies shared how they had opportunities to share with their husband or child from what they are learning, and another expressed her astonishment of how her meditation on the verse prepared her to answer a question she received later in the day. My focus is on the Bible portion, but we also worship the Lord together, pray for each other and the church, and have time to share and encourage each other.

You may have “church in the park”, but we have “church in the dry creek bed”. That describes our service last Sunday where my little friend wanted to help me.

The announcement has finally been made at El Faro, so we can openly talk about the transition to the new pastor! I have been waiting as you have for this to happen. This morning, Rafa shared with the congregation that God has opened the way for William to come to take over as pastor of El Faro in order to guide the church in the application of the Healthy Church strategy. Rafa explained that he will continue on serving in the church as part of the support team for William. The transition will probably take place in August, so it is clear that this is a decision that Rafa has taken in obedience to his understanding of the Lord’s leading to benefit the El Faro church and to impact the Kingdom and not as an action that had to be taken because of a problem.

Also in obedience to his understanding of the Lord’s leading, William has been preparing to make the move. Only a few key leaders in their church know about the transition as they have been waiting for the announcement to be made at El Faro first. William was praying about whether his car should be replaced in order to make the trip here, but he hadn’t shared that thought with anyone. Last week one of the men asked him out of the blue if he was considering selling his car and suggested he talk to another member. The other member was considering selling his car and it sounds like the sale will be made to William. It is the same make of car, but three years newer and in much better condition! Another point to note is that William and Isela are moving ahead trusting the Lord to supply all their needs. El Faro hasn’t made any financial proposal yet, so please pray that the Lord will continue to guide and provide in all aspects of the transition.

I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.

1 Corinthians 15:3, 4

Easter is my favorite time of the year. Jesus offered His life and He rose from the dead to make it possible to enter into a personal relationship with God for all who put their faith in Him. We love Him because He first loved us. As we celebrate all the different aspects of what Jesus has done for those who believe, please pray for the truth to be shared at the youth camps of El Faro and of the Ranch ministry. May many youth leave the camps as new creatures in Christ who are also radical disciples of Him. Please also pray for the short visit of Willy, Isela and their daughter to get to know El Faro better.

Praise God with me that all the major pieces are in place for my upcoming trip April 16th to July 20th. WIthin that trip are three trips. The first “sub-trip” will be by plane (KS, WA, OR and AB) with a vehicle provided to drive between Seattle and Lebanon. For the second (MI, IL, WI, and IN) and the third (NY, NB, NS and PE) I’ll be driving. I am grateful for the supporters providing vehicles, and for each one who is opening their home, meeting me, providing transportation, sharing a meal, etc. Last year I was able to visit the vast majority of supporters in Ontario, and this year I will have over 60 stops with even more visits concentrating on those outside Ontario. Please pray for stamina, for good health, for smooth flights & connections (all of the flights have modified their itineraries with one flight sending the third version of the itinerary this morning!), for safety (especially driving), and for the visits to be enjoyable, informative, and inspirational. I am excited to share with the greatest number of supporters possible in the limited time, and I am very sorry that there are several who I will not be able to visit on this trip. I am grateful to God for each one who gives and who prays – you are an incredible team!

Happy Easter (a little early)!


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