Brenda’s Bulletin

August 19, 2023 Excitement in the Air!

August 19, 2023 - 3:18 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

I can’t believe I’ve been back in La Paz, Mexico for a month! 

It’s great to be back after traveling on 8 flights, driving 10,000 kms, sleeping in 22 different beds, completing legal and medical appointments, and enjoying about 80 visits with individuals, groups, and churches.  The Lord answered prayers for safety, for health and stamina (other than one cold), and for good visits – including some surprize encounters and unplanned opportunities to share about what God has been and is doing in La Paz.  This was the first time to experience several schedule changes, but, with one exception, they all worked out for the better.  A huge THANK YOU to each of my hosts for making my stays so enjoyable and to those I visited with for your prayers and encouragement.  It was great to see friends I’ve known for years (few or many) and to meet new friends.  I was truly blessed by you in the visits this year and last year.  I look forward to seeing you again, hopefully along with some I wasn’t able to see on these trips, in a couple of years on my last Home Assignment that ends with retirement.

On my first Tuesday back, I took the Ladies’ Group with me on a visual presentation of the three months I was gone.  Click on the image above to see the PPT presentation (you may have to wait a few seconds for the images to appear or click on blank slides).  I added a little commentary, but you’ll miss out on the accompanying oral explanation of what I had the joy of doing and seeing.  You’ll notice a lot of scenery.  The purpose of that was to explain to the ladies what I mean when I say that I miss the green.  By contrast, this represents the green we see here:Although, with some rain, the desert transforms into a beautiful display of life.  After Hurricane Hillary passes, it will be very pretty.

I think the worst of the hurricane has passed with just wind and rain and I pray for the safety of those of you in its path.  The temperature dropping for the first time from 38 or 39°C to 30°C with the passing of the storm is a welcome relief.  But I can’t complain about the heat and humidity any longer after hearing that Willy left 48°C temperatures in Mexicali.  Anyway, you’ll probably see some people you know in the presentation, and I do offer a heartfelt apology to all those of you whom I forgot to photograph. 

Another prayer request that the Lord answered was to supply what El Faro currently can’t supply for Willy’s salary.  That is a huge praise!  Rafa was a part-time pastor with a full-time business, but Willy will be a full-time pastor.  Please pray that the church is built up enough within a few years for it to assume the full financial responsibility and to impact the city and beyond for the glory of God.

I picked Willy, Isela and Lilian up in San José July 31 and we met with my fellow TEAM missionaries there before returning to La Paz and a welcome dinner.  The Lord provided furnished housing for them as they set up their new home and moved into it three days later.  Their first Sunday in El Faro marked the best attendance we’ve had in years.  Although they are observing and participating low-key for now, Willy was serving on the worship team last Sunday.  We are joyfully anticipating his installation service on August 27th at 10 am with a potluck celebration at 7 pm (when it is a little cooler!)  Please pray for a smooth transition as Willy assumes the pastorate and the challenges awaiting him.  Another answer to prayer is the way the Lord has been working to bring unity in the church in support of Willy.

Since returning, I have been visiting with the ladies, working on the small group training videos, and helping Willy, Isela and Lili acclimate.  That last one is a tough job, but somebody had to do it!  (I have done more than take them to the beach!)

Please pray for wisdom and discernment as Willy and I meet after his installation to discuss my role and responsibilities in El Faro.  As mentioned, pray for Willy as he assumes the role of pastor and guides the church to advance in the Kingdom of God, and pray for a couple of upcoming events for the church in September.  The Lord has also provided for a provisional use of a vehicle.  Please pray that the Lord provides for their transportation needs.  And please also pray for Rafa and Betty who support Willy as pastor, but are dealing with their emotions in the transition.

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 1:4

Excitedly anticipating the future,


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