September was a busy month with a lot of time spent with Willy, Isela and Lili. We had a good meeting discussing my role in the church. I took them out to the Ranch to meet with our TEAM-Mexico leaders, several missionaries, and Ranch staff one day and then translated for them (Willy and Isela) and the team from our partner church in the US over a weekend. The photos were taken during the last meeting with most of the church leadership present.
On another outing, we stopped at a second-hand store where Lili spotted a toy. She pulled a step over so she could climb up onto the chair which got her high enough to climb into the toy on the table.
We kept an eye on her, as best we could through the laughter, so she was safe the whole time, but we could see that she is one determined young lady.
I share the moment to describe a prayer request. Please pray that as the elements of the Healthy Church strategy are rolled out, that they would be appealing to the church and that the congregation would latch on to them and enjoy them fulfilling their purpose with the same determination and joy that Lili exhibited.
One month in, Willy (with a lot of prayer backing) has been doing a good job reconciling people and incorporating positive changes in the church. Please pray that he can continue to develop relationships and for wisdom and understanding as he tackles the legal and property issues. Please also pray for Isela. She is leading the Women’s Ministry. The photos are of the first meeting this week. Please also pray for her health as Lili should become a big sister in April!
September also included the celebration of Mexican Independence with a focus on the liberty offered by Christ. You can click on the image to go to the photos of the evening on the church’s Facebook page. Scroll down until you see the 3 groups of photos with the first photo in each group represented in the image for easy recognition.
I’m happy to report that I have finished the videos and manual of the six training sessions for small groups. We will begin using them this Saturday. Please pray for the Women’s Ministry and the coming-soon Men’s Ministry.
I shared with many of you about a delicate situation in the church and appreciate your continued prayers for it. We have seen evidence of God moving in the situation. Please pray for a miracle to bring about resolution. I look forward to sharing the story with you at that point.
I’d also like to leave you with a couple of personal prayer requests. One is for my health, specifically for the back/hip problem. It has been flaring up with more frequency and limits my mobility. The other is for my financial support. I praise God that He provided some new or increased support on my recent visits in Canada and the US even though I was concentrating on making the need known of the support Willy needed. I also praise the Lord for supplying the need for Willy and that the church is understanding their need to assume their full responsibility over the next couple of years! I trust the Lord to provide for what is lacking in my support and invite you to pray with me.
Grateful for your participation in the ministry,