Brenda’s Bulletin

January, 2024 Happy New Year!

January 1, 2024 - 1:25 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

2023 certainly was an eventful year.  At this time last year, we were praying and fasting for God’s direction regarding a new pastor.  The Lord confirmed it and brought Willy, Isela and Lili to La Paz the end of July with his installation August 27th.  That is a wonderful example of the Lord answering prayer above and beyond our wildest expectations.  Let’s pray that by the end of this year the property title be in the name of the church.  It’s exciting to see the Lord answering our prayers!

Of greater importance, let’s pray for the health of the church, for new believers coming to the Lord, for deeper maturity, for dynamic ministries, for people actively participating in church life and serving the Lord both in and outside the church.

Dec. 17th was the church Christmas program.  You’ll see a short video by clicking on the photo of the kids’ presentation.  On the 24th we did something different – a delicious breakfast followed by the service.  Both events provided opportunities for everyone to participate and celebrate together with the little donkey stealing the limelight as he wandered into pretty much all the presentations!  The breakfast was the last of my responsibilities, followed by Christmas and New Year celebrations with church friends.  The lady in red helped plan and decorate for the 24th and you could watch a video of that by clicking on her photo.  I am exhausted and am looking forward to taking a couple days off and also to my Day of Prayer and Vision.  Please pray for refreshment and for the Lord to guide me in seeking His will for 2024.

This month we hope to print the Level 1 materials and begin implementing the four levels throughout the year.  Please pray for the teaching times and for the hearts of the people to be challenged to a firm commitment to the El Faro church.  The Ladies’ Group and the Youth Ministry will be starting up again soon, so please pray for those ministries and others as we seek to disciple believers to a more intimate walk with the Lord.  I was disappointed with the lack of enthusiasm with the greeters, but I am confident that, with your prayers, a group will form who have a vision to make people feel welcomed and provide security so that all ages can freely worship our great God.  And please continue to pray for the Lord to meet my needs as well as those of Willy and Isela, especially the financial and spiritual needs.  Our trust is in the Lord!

Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support over the years.  Recently some anonymous financial donations were made to my account as well.  Many of you have been praying and sending support for decades since I began serving the Lord as a TEAM missionary and many more of you have joined the team over the years.  I appreciate each one of you and thoroughly enjoyed visiting most of you on the trips in 2022 and 2023.  I pray that the Lord richly blesses you as you continue to support His Kingdom purposes.

Happy and Blessed New Year!


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