This month has flown by.
I finally have a photo of the ladies’ group because Willy snapped it a couple of weeks ago. Usually, the ladies are divided in two groups sitting around tables to discuss the passage, but this week was follow up to dive deeper into the application part of the previous week’s lesson. We plan to continue to meet to mid-July, so please continue to pray for unity and for growth as we study through the book of Acts.
Please also continue to pray for our small group that meets and shares what we’ve been learning in our devotions. We are currently going through 2 Kings and several of the ladies have commented that they are enjoying learning these Bible stories and the lessons for our lives. I have shared the Gospel a few times in the context of the discussion. Please pray for the salvation of our unsaved friend who faithfully attends and participates.
At the Father’s Day celebration, one of the fathers brought a special treat.
After enjoying several, can you see what is being added to the sandwich? Maybe another photo would help.
I passed on the chili covered crickets! Now, if they had been chocolate covered, I may have tried one.
We just finished a special event. A team from the US helped with some activities before showing a movie. After the movie, there was a brief message followed by another activity and hot dogs. We were pleased with a good number of visitors who we hope will return. Please pray for fruit from this evangelistic event.
You may remember praying for Iván when he had a rare cancer. He continues to need follow up attention but is doing well. A few months ago, Jimena, his wife, noticed something in her neck. Unfortunately, it was cancer embedded around her thyroid. Even though the thyroid was healthy, the surgeon had to remove it to be able to remove all the cancer. After being released, she had to return to Emergency but is home again now. She still doesn’t feel right, so please pray for a complete recovery and for the doctors as they try to balance the meds she needs to take. It was great to see their three kids at the movie night.
I wasn’t able to get out to enjoy nature this month, but Willy, Isela and I saw something special in the sky over La Paz after closing the church. I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience until I googled it and found out that SpaceX does these launches from California frequently.
I am grateful to all my financial supporters. With the receipt of some large donations, this month almost reached the goal. I really don’t enjoy needing to mention the financial need in each report, but the need is still there. If the Lord prompts you to give, please click on the appropriate icon. If you could help by encouraging others in your church or community to join my support team, that would be greatly appreciated.
Instead of making note of the financial need each month, please keep praying for the Lord to supply it until I write to let you know that I have enough monthly support pledged. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Next week a team of about fifteen youth from the Mexicali church are coming to minister for almost two weeks. They’ll be working together with El Faro on property projects at the church in the mornings and an evangelistic outreach in the neighbourhood in the evenings. Please pray for good health and an effective ministry. And please continue to pray for the church legal documents as they work their way through the system.
Grateful for each of you!