Brenda’s Bulletin

January 18, 2014 Finishing Up

Posted on January 17, 2014 at 9:45 pm by Brenda Matthews

I am sorry for the long delay in writing. I’ve been really busy with lots of things to do all at once, which I’ll get to in a minute.

I imagine that all those on my mailing list have already heard the news, but the tornado that swept through parts of the US in November left Jim and Annette Carmean without a home. I worked with Jim and Annette for fourteen years in Caracas until they retired and had stayed in their home when I visited them a few years ago. Here are the before and after shots.

Please pray for them as they rebuild their home and lives.

My apartment resembles the after shot! The decision was made to not return to Piura after my Home Assignment, so I am in the midst of sorting, packing, disposing of, and selling my things here. Please pray that I will be able to sell all the larger items at good prices and the majority of all the rest of the stuff.

I am really going to miss the people I’ve been working with: the ladies of my small group, the children in the Sunday School class, the ladies I’ve been counseling/discipling, Armando and his family as we practiced for services in his home, and the ladies of the Bible study. The ladies’ Bible study was the most recent endeavor. The ten ladies attending were super faithful and super excited about the study. I forgot to include some quotes from the ladies in the last prayer letter:
 I didn’t know the biography of Paul was in the Bible.
 I have a Bible at home, but it’s been a decoration. I’ve never
studied it before.

You can tell that there were some new believers in the class. We didn’t advance a lot in the book of Romans, but we sure learned a lot and it was always an encouragement to me to hear them talk of applying the truths learned to their lives! Another of my goals was to bring the ladies who didn’t work outside their homes together to get to know each other and build relationships. That was also accomplished and we enjoyed preparing and sharing a Christmas program at a home for kids with HIV/AIDS.

The last “event” I organized with the Christmas program. Nine of the ten ladies of the Bible study were present to give a dramatic choral reading of the Christmas story.

Armando and I both sang solos and a duet and led the program and worship.

The little children had their part – always cute.

And my kids did a puppet presentation.

One of them also led a Christmas carol with her mom.

All the ladies of my small group participated as we made a little movie of the true meaning of Christmas.

The other small groups joined together to present a play.

The children had their classes while the message was given and then we all enjoyed a “chocolatada” – Christmas cake and hot chocolate.

Please pray for all of us as we work through our emotions and the sadness of the departure. Please pray that the people coming from Lima next month will have a smooth transition into the church and that Piura Norte would truly make an impact in the neighbourhood, the city, the country and beyond in the years to come. And please pray for me as I head back to a cold Canadian winter before starting my Home Assignment in April. My record lately hasn’t been good in speedy replies and I’m warning you now that it probably won’t be good for the next month or so as I really need to dedicate the time to closure here.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Please pray for a car or cars that I could use for a period of 6-8 months, probably. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible later this year. Let me know when would be a good time to visit!

God bless!


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