Brenda’s Bulletin

July 5, 2013 Inspired! (missing 2 photos)

Posted on July 9, 2013 at 7:56 pm by Brenda Matthews

So much time has passed that I have too much to share.

Mid-April to early May I was in Canada on vacation and in June I was in Chile on a TEAM trip. Both trips were relaxing and inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed being with family and friends and meeting new friends. If you’d like to see photos of Chile, send me an email and I’ll send you the links to the web albums, but here is a bird collage whose beauty and/or uniqueness inspired me to praise their Creator:

May 18 was a very special day for Jenny – her spiritual birthday! Edita invited her friend Irma to the small group in her home a couple years ago and Irma invited Christ into her life as Lord and Saviour just over a year ago. When the small groups multiplied, Irma began attending the small group in my home and invited her friend Jenny to attend. Jenny had been participating for about a year when I invited Irma and Jenny over for lunch and shared a Gospel presentation I had found on-line. Jenny (middle) was ready to respond to the invitation! More inspiration to praise God.

Jenny wasn’t able to attend our small group last night, but Salomé is another friend that Irma has invited who has come the last two weeks. Last night she shared about her journey searching to know God. She’s come to the right place! Please pray for her salvation. Hopefully we won’t have to wait another year before celebrating her new birth. (Salomé in the white jacket)
[missing photo]

Salomé’s desire to know God and Jenny, Gabriela, Irma and Mary’s desire to grow in their relationship with God provide inspiration to press on. I’m also inspired discipling Luciana, Lorena, Jenny and Genoveva individually.

Two other areas of ministry are worship and the children’s ministry. I sing/lead worship each Sunday and this month is my turn to teach the children’s class, so please pray for fresh inspiration each week. Here I am with Alicia and her helper preparing the materials for the entire series. [missing photo]

Have you noticed the sleeves and sweaters in the last photos?! I’m enjoying the unusually cool temperatures in Piura. Another source of inspiration to praise our Lord! It’s actually a degree or two cooler here than back home in Canada, except for the afternoon when it’s a degree or two warmer here. This will change, so I’m enjoying it while I can!

Thank you for your prayers and support. I hope you have been inspired pray for each of the people mentioned here and for the Lord’s guidance and direction both short-term and long-term as we desire to see Piura Norte grow.

May God richly bless you!


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