This month has flown by! I will try to keep this short so that I can send it out before midnight here in La Paz, Mexico.
This month our small group had several outings in addition to our weekly meetings, and I remembered to take a photo or ask
for a photo on some of the occasions. We had several birthdays and a successful business venture to celebrate, along with family members, and we also took a trip to the beach and one to Rancho El Camino. In our devotionals, we are now reflecting on the book of Revelation. What an awesome God we serve!
Speaking of the beach, I enjoyed taking people who don’t know how to swim out on their first experience snorkeling. This photo was from the last trip and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The trip back to the city was full of praise to God for His awesome creation.
I was hoping to have more good news by now, but we continue to wait on the process of obtaining the property title for the church. At this point, we suspect that the signing won’t take place until next year, but it would be fantastic if it happened before the end of this year. Please continue to pray for God’s timing.
The interviews at the end of Level 3 took longer than anticipated, so we are beginning Level 4 tomorrow (Sunday). Please pray both that everyone enters into joyful service in the church as a result of Level 3 and for the Holy Spirit to work through the Level 4 classes that emphasize evangelism and outreach.
Please pray for the outreach activities held this Christmas season. Our small group plans to celebrate together with family members this week, and the church outreach will be held in a park on December 22nd, Lord-willing. Pray that community will be developed and that the gospel is shared clearly, resulting in new births. That is “the reason for the season”! The prophecy of Isaiah 9:6-7 was partially fulfilled with Christ’s first coming to earth, which we celebrate each Christmas, and we look forward to its completion with His second coming (which we are reading about in Revelation):
For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.
The government will rest on his shoulders.
And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
His government and its peace will never end.
He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.
The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!
Thank you for your prayers for our ladies’ meeting. We had a good turn out of El Faro ladies and a few guests. Our next meeting is December 14th, so please pray for that outreach and that more non-believers will accept the invitation to the meeting.
Thank you for praying for me as I have begun preparing for my Retirement Home Assignment next year. I have enjoyed the conversations arranging the first trip, which is the one that involves flying. I was pleased to take advantage of sales on several tickets. There is still a lot more planning to do, so please continue to pray for this process to go smoothly according to the Lord’s will.
We have a lot to be thankful for. It’s great that Canadians in October and Americans in November have a Thanksgiving Day, although this should be a daily attitude. In December, we give thanks for the incarnation of Jesus, realizing that the purpose of His birth was to give His life as a sacrifice for our redemption. According to different translations, this gift is unspeakable, indescribable, inexpressible, too wonderful for words, and a gift that words cannot describe.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)
Desiring a very Merry and Blessed Christmas for each of you,