“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2 (ESV)
In addition to your prayers for the many conflicts in the world, please pray for the situation in Venezuela. Pray that believers will keep their trust securely in God, not in people or institutions, and that His name be lifted up. Amid so much suffering, may many sincerely look to God for His salvation.
Here in La Paz, Mexico, we also desire to see believers strengthened in their faith and for many to find salvation. Please continue to pray for the ministry of the El Faro church and for the process of the property transfer. We hope the document in process will be ready in August, but it could take longer. With that document in hand, the parties would need to sign the documents that would put the property title in the name of the church, so we’d appreciate your continued prayers for God’s timing. Pray as well for Willy and Isela and their two girls, Lilian and Livier. In August, they will take some vacation time. Please pray for safety as they travel up the peninsula and spend time with family. Willy’s family is from southeastern Mexico, but they will meet at the Bible institute where Willy and Isela studied. His parents are taking his sister there to study and are looking forward to meeting Livier. Isela also hopes to renew her visa on this trip and would appreciate prayer for that process.
The Mexicali church sent the team of youth I mentioned last month to work on the property and minister with El Faro. The team arrived directly at the church (top photos), and several shared testimonies of what the Lord had done in their lives during their time in La Paz (bottom photos).
It was good to see the youth of El Faro working and serving together with the youth from Mexicali.
Many improvements were made to the property, which are greatly appreciated.
The two churches also participated in an outreach in a nearby neighbourhood. On the last night, a movie was shown, and Willy captured a photo of “cowboys” who stopped by to watch from their horses. The youth also had a joint time of worship and sharing together. Please pray for the spiritual growth of all the youth involved and for everlasting fruit from the outreach.
Our small group contributed by supplying one of the meals for the workers. Two of our group were away, and one isn’t visible in the photo, but we enjoyed preparing and serving the meal and interacting with the youth. We plan to kick off August by enjoying a time of fellowship as one of the ladies and her husband share about their recent trip to Greece.
Last week, our Ladies’ Group had a special meeting and time of sharing after finishing our discipleship study the previous week. The group is now taking a break for the rest of the summer. Please pray for us to put into practice what we have learned from our study of the book of Acts.
I plan to do a staycation in August as ministry commitments ease. Please pray for safety and relaxation during the downtime and for productivity in the projects I’ll be working on. Willy and I have reviewed the Level 3 materials, so they are ready for the fall, and we’ve begun reviewing Level 4 and hope to finish those materials in August.
I’m happy to report that Jimena is finally feeling better. She has struggled as the meds are being adjusted, but recently she has begun to feel more normal. Thank you so much for praying for her and her family.
Grateful for your prayers and support as we trust in God,