Project Accomplishments:
Last month, the team from Mexicali (our PD mentor’s church) worked tirelessly to recondition the nursery and build a new wall in the auditorium, which now serves as a large projection screen. After the Sunday message, we dedicated the nursery workers to the Lord’s service, followed by a dedication service for the building. Our treasurer then taught the next session of Level 2 on tithes and offerings (larger photo below).
Special Visits and Teaching:
The following week, our mentor and his wife visited from Mexicali. They prayed over Willy and Isela (above) and taught the final installation of Level 2. Last Saturday, Willy and I conducted an intensive 4-hour Level 2 course for those who preferred a one-day session or missed any part of the Sunday sessions.
Mother’s Day Celebrations:
Mother’s Day was thoroughly celebrated with a special evening for women, taking advantage of our visitors. We were encouraged by the turnout and new comers.
Instead of the regular meeting, one of the ladies and I planned a special meeting for the mothers of the Ladies’ Ministry. There were several activities included in the evening and it was enjoyed by all. Even the teaching was fun!
Our small group meeting fell on Mother’s Day, but the group wanted to have our own celebration along with the time of sharing from our devotional times. They expressed how excited they are learning from the passages of Scripture and the truths God has for us. Unexpectedly, one of the ladies had to travel on Mother’s Day. She sent a photo to show her solidarity, and we shared our photos with her as well.
Greeter Team Formation:
I have been meeting with candidates to form a team of greeters. Please pray for their commitment to this ministry as they provide security and a joyful reception for congregants and visitors.
Financial Update:
Since many of you didn’t receive my prayer letters due to a mailing glitch, here’s recap of what created the situation. The increased expenses of the 2024 budget plus a small shortfall left me under supported, but the unexpected closure of a supporting church and the loss of some long-term supporters all combined to create a serious need.
Thankfully, the Lord has been providing through new supporters, increased giving, and several one-time donations. While the need has been reduced, there is still a financial shortfall. With my retirement nearing, a fund-raising trip back isn’t feasible. Please continue to pray that the Lord supply all my needs according to His riches in glory (Phil. 4:19). If the Lord leads you to contribute, for Canadian dollars, click on the Canada Goose and for US dollars, click on the American Goldfinch.
Prayer Requests for June:
- for the ministries mentioned above as well as the youth, Sunday School, and worship service
- for the legal documents being processed
- for another couple coming from Mexicali to focus on strengthening marriages
- for Willy as he meets with different levels of church leadership
- for the movie night outreach
- for the planning of the small group ministry
- for my full support and for increased giving in El Faro
Mexicali Church Collaboration:
The Mexicali church has a vision of ministering to other churches. Their people are excited about coming to minister in a variety of ways at El Faro. Please pray for the Lord to make these trips a blessing for both the El Faro and the Vástago churches, and for El Faro to catch the vision.
Grateful, as always, for your prayers and support!