El Faro has a new pastor! Sunday was the transition service. Apart from it being very hot, everything went smoothly. Others have commented about feeling the excitement and the anticipation of God doing something new. I’m glad that we’re all part of it. Since most of you aren’t going to watch the video of a long service in Spanish, here’s the gist of it: Rafa and Betty participated and were recognized for their years of service (and will continue in the church), Willy and Isela shared how God led them to this point and their plans, both couples were prayed over as the transition took place, and Manuel (our mentor) and his wife led in the transition before Manuel shared a message from the Word. The worship team opened and closed the service leading the congregation in those times and a message was read from Martin and Susie González, the founding the missionaries. It was a God-honouring service. Thanks to all of you who were praying for it.
I was asked to video the service, so I employed both of my cameras, the help of one of the members who is a fantastic photographer, and a device for the audio. All the photos are his except for the last few that I took so he would be included in the photos. He also took some short videos and I was able to incorporate several of them with my two video streams. His photos came in handy when the action took place outside the view of the cameras. My “fish” camera filmed the whole thing. My “bird” camera kept over-heating and shutting off, so I was greatly relieved Sunday afternoon when I could verify that they did record and that the audio also worked. So now you know what occupied the bulk of my time and why you didn’t hear from me sooner. You could see all the photos (in three groups) and the video on Facebook by clicking on the installation prayer photo (Manuel and Laura on the ends, Rafa and Betty behind, Willy and Isela up front). Or you could see just the video on YouTube by clicking on the photo of Willy. As was stated in the service, Sunday was an historic day in the life of the El Faro church.
God has been answering our prayers for El Faro. Please continue to pray for a smooth transition as each one adjusts to a new role and for the Lord to give guidance when I meet with Willy to discuss my role in the church.
Rejoicing in God’s Sovereignty,