I am thoroughly enjoying staying with my brother at his beautiful home. With so much nature and wildlife here, it is very relaxing and refreshing.
The birds are bountiful, so it’s a good thing that my back is to the feeders just outside the window when I’m at the desk. I was finally able to see why the Red-bellied Woodpecker has its name. (Also feeding are a House Finch and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak – all three are males).
I am supposed to get some rest while on HA, but the main reason for being here is to report to supporting churches and individuals. The reporting and visits are going well. I have noted that many of you have gone through or are going through seasons of pain and loss. My heart aches for each one, but we can take comfort knowing that God is good and that He is in control, even when we don’t understand how the circumstances will work out for God’s glory and our good (Rms. 8:28). The key verse of my presentation is Ps. 34:8. The Lord is good and we are blessed when we take refuge in Him. My prayer is that I can be an encouragement to those I encounter.
I am grateful to God for answering prayer and meeting my needs. I had uneventful flights home and thanked the airline agent who wanted to see my vaccination documentation before the last flight (since I had to go to the trouble of getting it and having it translated). I quarantined when I arrived to be safe but later had to cancel several visits when I came in close contact with friends who tested positive for COVID. Fortunately, they are better and I never got it. Please do pray for my health and for safety as I travel. Another answer to prayer was that one of my supporters has generously provided for my transportation while home.
There have been some technical difficulties (the joys of living out in the country). A storm knocked out the power for 24 hours, I can’t get on my website from the house, the phone connections have been challenging, and my number remains a long-distance call for those outside Mexico. I can make calls, but I often get a message that I’m not connected to the network. I am in the process of trying to contact those in Ontario who are part of my support team, and you could help me by letting me know (by email) when you would be available for a visit and confirming your address and phone number. Please pray for grace to deal with the difficulties and that all the visits could be made. I have thoroughly enjoyed the visits with supporters and churches and look forward to the rest.
There is encouraging news from La Paz. The ladies’ group is growing and steps are being taken to get the church’s documentation up-to-speed. Please pray for wisdom in decision-making and for a resolution to the interpersonal conflict and the property issue, and for the steps being taken toward becoming a healthy church.
NEWSFLASH!!! I am visiting a supporter and using their wifi to be able to send this. That was already a huge blessing, but now they set me up with a phone number so you can call and text me at this Canadian number: 226 907-0122.
As always, I am grateful for your prayers and support and the huge blessing that you have been to me.
May God richly bless each of you!