I am so sorry to have not written in March and now I may not write again until I’m on my Home Assignment (HA). I’m going to blame it on all the DRAMA because it all takes time!
There has been drama planning my HA. As a reminder, this year I just plan to be in Ontario, Canada. I have been in contact with several people to set up the church visits. There has been miscommunication and missed communication. Do you remember when I tried to explain that there was a change with my email server back in December that resulted in REAL emails being sent to a junk or bulk mail folder on-line that I didn’t know about instead of sending them to my computer? I have been trying to check that on-line account monthly to catch REAL emails that have been sent to that account. I just checked it and found that one church had written me TWICE last month about setting up a date!!! It was a new person, so the correspondence was sent to that junk folder. I wrote immediately upon discovering this and those emails are now being sent directly to my computer. At this point, there are only two dates for churches that need to be confirmed. After those are set up, if a new church would like to make contact, there would be a few Sunday opportunities. Once those dates are solidified, I could work on the personal visits. If you would like a personal visit, please do contact me. I will try to check that on-line account more frequently! Please pray that all the details of my HA will come together in good time – things I need to finish here and things I need to prepare for there.
One of the remaining details is the need for transportation. God has always provided – whether an old car or new, whether for part of the time or for the whole time, whether lent, rented, or leased. Please pray for the provision for this need, and if you would be able to help with this need, please let me know.
Recently there has been a lot of drama over the apartment contract. Instead of a renewal, they have presented us with a new contract. They stressed that they weren’t raising the rent and tried to pressure us to sign thinking that we wouldn’t notice the additional charges and other changes. This has allowed me to get to know my neighbours better. Please pray for these relationships to continue to grow and for a just contract.
I haven’t detailed the drama with the pastor’s wife. The main repercussion for me is that the ladies’ Bible study won’t resume before my HA. It also contributed to the church not opening for several months, but March 27th in-person services were reinitiated. “Red” did show up late that Sunday – fortunately with no drama. He didn’t attend last Sunday, but last week he rescinded the power contract so there was no sound system, no projection, and no fans. There is a church meeting planned for this Friday at 7 pm (9 pm EDT). Please pray that the situation be clearly explained, that questions be answered, that possible plans forward be discussed, and that it all happens in a spirit of love and unity in dependence on God. A lot of prayer and possibly more discussion will need to take place before a decision is made. Please continue praying that God be glorified.
My involvement with the group preparing the PD materials continues forward without drama. We finished reviewing Level 3 and I have the materials for it about 2/3s prepared. We are moving forward with the review of Level 4, but this month we will only have a few opportunities to meet due to two of the group being away at a training, then Easter vacation, and then our TEAM Mexico Annual Conference.
Our ladies’ group continues to meet faithfully to pray for each other and the church. We just had our last meeting on Zoom and are looking forward to praying in person April 26th, after the Easter holidays.
There was other drama that has been resolved, like when the bank here said that they would not be able to continue to exchange my Canadian dollar cheques, but there have been many positive things as well. I had a wonderful time birding taking a lady who was here on a vision trip out for a day. She works for Audubon and we both expressed how much fun it was to be with someone who was genuinely enjoying the time. We documented 60 different species, and several were new sightings for her. I was also overjoyed last week when I noticed the new business that just opened beside my building – physiotherapy!!! I am finally experiencing relief from the back pain I’ve been dealing with since December.
Thank you all for your prayer support. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Ontario soon and my prayer is that each of you celebrates a very meaningful and significant Easter season.
Happy Easter!