Since my last letter there have been a lot of plans and meetings and waiting for answers so the next step could be taken.
The church property. I tried to explain the church property issue last month and thank you for praying about the situation. The good news is that no further threats have been made and that the lawyer has said that there is nothing that Red could do legally to impede the church meeting on the property. The bad news is that it seems that this has lulled Ps. Rafa back into the mode of doing nothing about it. I think that the church should be presenting both wives (the legal owners of the property) with a letter reminding them of the history and promise to donate the property to the church and inviting them to keep their promises. I have expressed that, but it’s up to Rafa to take action. Please continue to pray for everyone involved and for God to be glorified. I am asking God for the miracle of transformed hearts and a smooth resolution of the interpersonal conflict and the property issue.
The church re-opening. It seems that every time a step is taken toward the re-opening of the church, that a new obstacle presents itself. This continues to be the pattern. Please pray for wisdom as to the how and when of meeting in person again.
My church projects. The small group videos are on hold for now, but I hope to have them finished by May. The group working on the preparation of the PD materials continues to move forward. I finished preparing the materials for the teacher and for the participants along with the PPT presentation for Levels 1 and 2… and already have some updates to incorporate. I have to remember to make the changes in all three documents for each level. The group is moving along well with the Level 3 review, and I’ll start working on those materials soon. In a few weeks we should be on the last level. The Ladies’ ministry continues to meet for prayer times. The above problem has affected the continuation of the Bible study, but I do hope that we can finish our study of the book of Esther highlighting the providence of God. Please pray for the Lord to be leading in each of these endeavours.
My Home Assignment. I began thinking about my HA last year and about splitting it into two trips, but all the above issues needed to be taken into consideration as well as COVID travel restrictions and the timing of our field Annual Conference (just finalized). I was finally able to purchase my tickets Friday night. I hope travel restrictions continue to lighten up, but Lord-willing I should be available by May 21 to August 16th for those of you in Ontario. Next year I hope to visit those in other parts of Canada and in the US. So, if you live in Ontario and you and if your church would like visit, please contact me at and let me know when would be best for you. I apologize for the late notification, but I do hope it will work out to get together. Please pray for the Lord to order my time in Ontario and to supply a vehicle. If you could lend me a vehicle for the three months or part of the time, please let know. I won’t be home long enough to lease a car and it’s too long to rent one (but it could be multiple rentals), so if you have other suggestions, please let me know.
I feel a little overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done in the next two months, but Proverbs 16:9 has proven true in my life in the past and I know that God is still in control – “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps” (NLT). God has always been faithful in supplying my needs, so I rest in His care.
Grateful for your prayers and support,