Brenda’s Bulletin

Archive for June, 2018

June 12, 2018 Off in a Flash!

June 12, 2018 - 9:21 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

I can’t believe that I’m covering 2 months again.  Time is flying by.  And this will just be a brief update.

First, the cell groups have been going well.  There’s lots of excitement, especially among the new groups, as hosts and leaders had been wanting to serve the Lord in some capacity and are now doing it!

I have been really encouraged with the responses of the ladies in the Ladies’ group.  In the meeting or in person or by phone, several have told me how they have been learning and growing in the study and it’s great seeing them get more involved in church.

I have been super occupied the last few weeks training three people to take over my responsibilities in the visual ministry (there will be no audio while I’m gone – more on that in a minute). 1-Collages28

Monse will mainly be doing announcements, maybe some songs.  Saúl will be doing the sermon.  Efraín will be downloading the songs and ordering all the visuals.  He just called me and I told him I’d ask you to pray for him… and all of them.  Efraín had taken his computer to be fixed, but now it doesn’t work.  I took him the old, really slow computer we used to use for visuals and made sure he had all the programs necessary and all the steps written down.  He’s nervous about the responsibility, but happy to serve the Lord.  While I was at his house working all this out Saturday night, Saúl called.  Right when he tried to send Efraín the work he had done on the sermon, his computer froze.  It took a while before he was able to figure out how to send the info off.  The call just now was because now Efraín’s cell phone isn’t working and he senses the Enemy is trying to discourage him.  So please do pray that all three of them would receive the info they need in time to be able to prepare the visuals and get all the info to Efraín and that he’d be able to get it all ordered and be able to use it for the Sunday services.

There have been several obstacles as we’ve tried to work out how to cover the visuals ministry.  With that and trying to get ready for the trip, I’ve worked 24 hours straight, slept 3-4 hours, worked another 14-16 hours straight and have had several very long days like that.

The trip.  This ministry leave has come together “at the last minute”.  Several of us from El Faro will be going to a conference at Saddleback Church the end of the month.  I was hoping to take advantage of the trip and lengthen it to visit all my supporters on the west coast, but there were several obstacles as well and it will be a short trip.  If you’re in the Kitchener/Brantford, ON area and would like to get together sometime June 16 to 24, give me a call or email ASAP to try to work something out.  Sunday mornings are already booked as well as several appointments.  If you’re in the Lake Forest/Anaheim, CA area, I’ll be in a conference all day, but we might be able to get together in the evening June 25-28.  If you’re in the Lebanon, OR area, Kathy Chambers is organizing my time June 30-July 6 and I’ll be participating in their church that Sunday.  So, it’ll be a whirlwind trip, but I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

One more request:1-0000000000000000000000000 GIMP

Please continue to pray for Iván, Jimena and their boys.  After the short break, Iván returned to Mexico City to start radiation and continue chemo.  His face was burned by the radiation, but worse were the burns in his throat.  He’s been battling an infection and it attacked the burns making it extremely painful to swallow.  Because of this, Iván wasn’t drinking and hardly eating, so his kidneys reacted and he ended up in emergency.  His doctors decided to suspend the chemo because the radiation is more important and he’s been doing much better (and drinking water!)  Their son, Dante, is with his grandparents while Jimena and Edrás are able to be in Mexico City, but the situation is taking its toll on him as well.  Please keep the whole family in your prayers.

I’m as ready as I will be.  I’m off to bed hoping to get about 6 hours of sleep (what a luxury!!!) so I’m not totally worn out after traveling all day tomorrow (Wed.) starting at 6:30 am and getting to bed Thursday morning about 2 am.  I’d appreciate your prayers as I travel and for really good visits.  There is a hurricane heading this way that was supposed to hit here at 6 am tomorrow!  Fortunately it’s now forecasted (google tells me it’s the right word even though the spell check doesn’t like it) to hit here on Friday and be downgraded to a tropical storm.

Grateful for your prayers!


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