Brenda’s Bulletin

Archive for April, 2017


April 17, 2017 - 9:03 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

I was trying to get this letter ready to send Easter greetings… I’m so glad that God’s timing is perfect and that He never runs into delays.  At the right time, God sent His Son who gave His life in sacrifice for all who believe and His victory over death displayed in the resurrection is something we can celebrate every day!

1-BaptismsAnd what better way to celebrate than with baptisms on Easter Sunday!  This was the first use of the new pool at the TEAM ranch – Rancho El Camino – and it provided a beautiful setting for this significant ceremony.  Along with the two young ladies, we had a father and son baptized and a father participated in the baptism of his two sons.

1-Baptisms1So, after the church service, we piled into vehicles to arrive at the ranch, share lunch together, witness the baptisms and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship.  Please pray for God to strengthen and increase the faith of each one and that each one would faithfully serve the Lord in the expansion of His kingdom.  You could see more photos at

1-Cake DecoratingIt’s now official.  Along with what I’ve been doing, I have a new role as the evangelistic events coordinator, but will say “we” because I have a team of church members working with me.  We want to be sure to have at least one evangelistic event each month.  We unofficially began with the marriage conference and a couple from that activity has joined our committee.  The first official event was a cake decorating workshop in March.  María Luisa taught the course and Luisa shared from the Word.  (More photos at!ApirIiDEtXgYuwfXnZ_X-fcbOBhv)  The baptismal service was our April event.  The men will be planning the Mother’s Day event for May and would appreciate your prayers.

1-Campamento de Jóvenes3I also wanted to ask prayer for the youth camp held last week, but now I’ll ask that you pray for the Lord to continue the work He began there in their lives.

1-Campamento de Jóvenes2I just had a small part, other than praying, being there on Friday helping with the games, but could sense a really good spirit among the campers and leaders.  They were expecting fewer than 150, so were stretched with almost 200 people at Rancho El Camino, about 30 minutes outside La Paz.

1-CEMENT POURING Feb 7 20171Thanks for your prayers for the construction project.  It’s great to see progress being made week by week.  Please pray for funds and workers to complete the auditorium.  We’re looking forward to that happening with the hope of holding the wedding/marriage vow renewal ceremony there at that time with the reception on the roof.

1-CEMENT POURING Feb 7 20172If you’re interested in seeing the progress:!ApirIiDEtXgYuju8Phyt6hxt_Vt9

1-CEMENT POURING Feb 7 20173In the meantime, this is the setting for church meetings.  The beauty of nature is very distracting!

Aches and pains remind me that I’m getting older (but young at heart!) and prompt me to ask for prayer for my health… and for safety as well.

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
 This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him.” (Ps. 91:1-2)

Resting in His care,



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