I survived my first hurricane on Tuesday! But it wasn’t easy. Fortunately, it was just a Category 1 hurricane because I discovered the leaks in the apt and it kept me busy mopping up water the whole time. The walls leak! This spot was one of the first to start leaking and was the last to dry up. There were a couple spots on my office wall that weren’t bad, but the electrical outlet had a stream that pooled under the table along the wall and followed the tile channels 4/5ths of the way across the room before I noticed it. I didn’t notice it sooner because I was running back and forth cleaning up the water from this wall leak and from all the windows/balcony doors that run across the front of the apt. My back was killing me, but I’m doing much better than I expected. Thanks for your prayers!
This is the scene that greeted me as I arrived at church last evening. The winds and rain had knocked this tree over. I did see several trees down and branches on the streets, bigger holes in the roads, and power outages, so we’re grateful there wasn’t more damage done. The rains have definitely made things greener!
I told you about the Raise the Roof project. Here are some photos to let you see that we really need it. There are two rooms with a temporary tin roof. The nursery that was built this year is the only enclosed room and has air conditioning. The area where we meet used to have a thatched roof, but a pyromaniac burned it down a couple years ago. You might be able to distinguish the charred poles that used to support it.
The shade was taken down just before the hurricane, so one of last night’s projects was to put the shade (stored in the nursery) back up. If you would like to help put a real roof on El Faro (The Lighthouse), here are the links:
El Faro Building Canadian Dollar Contribution
or https://secure2.convio.net/teamca/site/SPageServer?pagename=donatenow&did=3622
El Faro Building USD Contribution or http://team.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b57931c41d7dc948898db5c11&id=35f16159ff&e=dda1d9918f
For more information, you could call Martin in the US at 708.443.4843.
Please continue to pray for Martin and Susie (TEAM Mexico leader). Susie has extensive Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS), so they are being detained in the US longer than planned. Pray for wisdom/guidance in the decisions they have to make and that they could be back here as soon as possible. Thanks.
I also mentioned the videos I was working on to put on the church’s Facebook page (iglesiaelfarolapaz). What we really wanted was to do podcasts and Martin was able to set that up so I prepared last Sunday’s sermon as a podcast – much easier!!!! If you speak Spanish, you should check it out.
The ladies’ group got off to a good start but then had to cancel because of the hurricane. The cell group also got off to a good start and changed from meeting Thursday to Friday evenings. That works better for Magui, Clara, Aníbal, Siria and Fernando. It doesn’t effect Lucy’s situation, so please continue to pray for a solution so Lucy and Camilo could continue with the group and for the group to continue in unity and growing in the Word and community. The church is also gearing up to celebrate El Grito de Independencia (The Shout of Independence) on Thursday, the 15th, with an evangelistic outreach. Please pray for the lost to be drawn to our Saviour.
Grateful for your prayers!