The skeleton version is: thanks for your prayers regarding the weather and for a fantastic English Camp, a celebration and huge prayer request for the El Faro church, a new facet of ministry for me, and prayer requests for ministries taking a break as they start-up again and for Susie in another health crisis. Let’s put some meat on those bones!
I asked for prayer for safety during hurricane season. September and October are higher risk times, so that request continues. So far the hurricanes or potential ones have stayed off the coast so we’ve just had some winds and needed rainfall. Sometimes it brings some relief to the heat, but other times, like Sunday, the humidity soars. I was distracted during the sermon when I saw this… Fortunately, it dissipated.
Thanks for your prayers for the Lego Project and the English Camp. While the Lego Project enjoyed cloudy days with a cool breeze, we had a sunny week of 39 -40 C (102-104 F) temperatures, but everyone involved enjoyed the camp. Hayden hoped for 15 kids (and not more than 20) and we were blessed with a consistent attendance of 17-22 kids. Just under half were not from El Faro. The two brothers in the first collage are from that category and about a month previously had lost a brother in a drug-related shooting.
I had a couple of opportunities to share the Gospel as did Susie and Lois through their Bible teaching segment. I worked on the organizational aspects while Hayden did a great job teaching English. The pastors were encouraged to see 15 of the church members mobilized to differing degrees. Several helped with supervision while others were involved in the set-up/take-down. One lady took on the area of healthy snacks for the kids, and, with the presence of three kids too young for the camp, a couple of the helpers spontaneously set up a class for them. The pastors were also glad to see the facilities being used. We kept the
kids hopping from one area to another for the variety of components designed to help the kids learn English, but also learn about God and salvation. And through the English Camp and the church, Hayden has started a variety of classes. After giving a class in a coffee shop, a family inquired about what she was doing and they’ve started taking classes as well! Please pray that through all of these activities, people be drawn into a personal relationship with the Lord or into a deeper relationship with Him. If you’d like to come to teach English classes, let me know!
I’ve mentioned before that I prepare the PowerPoint visuals for the church service. I’ve also started to record the sermons and take photos of the preacher (resulting in the distraction producing the first photo) which I then combine into a video that is posted on the church’s Facebook page (iglesiaelfarolapaz). As you check that out, you can also see a lot more photos of the English Camp and photos of the ceremony in Mexico City where El Faro received its official recognition as a Religious Association last week!
Please do pray for El Faro – for spiritual growth, numerical growth, financial stability, leadership development, membership involvement, etc. Another need is for a roof, so Martin (founding pastor and my supervisor) and Susie are in the US right now promoting a Raise the Roof fund-raiser. We can only use this auditorium after the sun goes down but we can’t just put a roof on the auditorium segment- the roof needs to be poured covering the entire structure at one time. That represents a huge financial commitment. If the Lord directs you to help out with this project, let me know and I’ll let you know how to give and receive a tax-deductible receipt. If you look at the photos in the sermons and on the church’s website, you’ll see that we meet under a cloth shade (also seen in the purple-framed collage). That limits attendance because no one wants to sit outside the shaded area exposed to the sun for a couple hours and last year we had to cancel the service a few times due to rain. The church worked hard to raise funds to provide a nursery in an enclosed area (the English Camp kids crowded in for a short video as seen in the purple-framed collage), but the roof project is a humungous undertaking. The need is great, so please do prayerfully consider giving to this project.
Next week the regular ministries start up again and that includes the Ladies’ Group and the cell groups. Please pray that they will get off to a good start. Our cell group did some things together over the vacation time, but we’re all looking forward to getting together again to study God’s Word. Please do pray for Lucy as she wants to continue to be part of the group, but it looks like she’ll have to work. Please pray for a solution to her situation. And please also pray for Susie. A year ago we prayed her through a serious health crisis and now she has another. Just before leaving for the US, she had a cancer scare that has been confirmed. We’re praying for the Lord to heal her or use surgery to remove it, but above all that Martin and Susie glorify the Lord as His will is done.
I can’t express how grateful I am for your prayers! Thank you!