Brenda’s Bulletin

Archive for July, 2015

July 17, 2015 ALMOST READY TO GO!

July 16, 2015 - 9:46 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

It’s almost time to go! July 23rd is approaching quickly and the excitement is building! I’m so glad that I was able to visit my supporting churches in southern Ontario and in Michigan over the last couple months to share about the change in direction to Mexico. It was also good to be part of a TEAM picnic in Toronto last Sunday, and I’m looking forward to my commissioning this Sunday. In between I’m busy packing what goes into storage here and packing what goes with me to Mexico.

Thank you for praying for safety traveling. Please continue to uphold me in your prayers for the last days here and the flights Hamilton-Calgary-San José del Cabo, during my stay in Mexico, and also on the trips to Peru to bring back my belongings stored there. The first business I need to attend to upon arriving in La Paz is to continue the visa process and obtain a travel permission. I also need to get my Mexican driver’s license and to purchase a vehicle as well as find housing and connections for internet and cell phone. Thinking about all that needs to be done can be overwhelming, so please pray that the Lord will guide each step of the way. I’ve already seen His hand at work, so I know that all the details will come together in His perfect timing. And praise the Lord with me for all of the financial support! You could still contribute to the one-time need for vehicle funds, but I have the necessary financial support to be able to leave for the field.

As I’m settling into life in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico and getting to know the area, I’ll also be starting my orientation to this new culture and learning the variations in the Spanish language. Please pray that I will be observant and adapt quickly. This stage will take some time to lay the foundations for an effective ministry in the future. After that, my main assignment will be to start a youth ministry and I’ll be involved in the new outreach in Los Barriles… but there will be time to write about that down the road.

Recently I read this quote from Hudson Taylor: “All God’s giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them.” And, he added, “Perhaps the greatest hindrance to our work is our own imagined strength.” Thinking about starting a youth ministry certainly makes me very aware of my weakness. I’m also aware of my tendency to do things in my own strength. Please pray for me to remain dependent on God and aware of His presence so that great things can be accomplished for His kingdom and His glory.

Speaking of God’s glory (reflected in nature) I saw the Greater Roadrunner and the birds along the bottom when I was in Los Barriles and the rest in La Paz.

PLEASE NOTE – Attention friends in the UNITED STATES:
As TEAM decentralizes, we’ll be having “hubs” established around the US and Canada, and then some hubs in other countries. This will facilitate helping churches literally around the world “to send their missionaries to establish reproducing churches among the nations to the glory of God.” Some of TEAM’s functions will no longer be done in Wheaton, including the receiving and receipting of US contributions. So if you have any one-time or regular gifts that you want to send to TEAM, beginning August 3, please send them to:
P.O. Box 1986
Grapevine, TX 76099-1986

All my CANADIAN friends would continue to use the same address:
TEAM of Canada
372-16 Midlake Blvd. SE
Calgary, AB T2X 2X7
To clarify this change, you may want to go to the FAQ page at
For all other correspondence with TEAM, it would be best to go to to find the appropriate address. If you want to send a cheque for my vehicle purchase, just be sure to add a separate note that the funds are for the support of Brenda Matthews.

Hudson Taylor also said, “There are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” Thanks for accompanying me through the stages in the great work of God.

On the journey together,


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