I’ve been encouraged by several of you asking if there is any news on my next assignment. My supervisor will make another trip the 17th to 23rd (next week!!!), so please pray that even now the Lord be going ahead preparing the way, for safety as Craig travels, and for good meetings with church leaders and other encounters. Pray for sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading in discussions and decision-making. I hope to have more news to share with you in a few weeks!
Everyone reminds me that this winter is not as bad as last year and I do appreciate the beauty (as seen in these recent photos), but please do pray for good health and for safety traveling. I am really enjoying leading the Ladies’ Life Group of my church. I told them the first week that I’m praying for good driving weather for Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings! Please pray for the Lord to be deepening our relationships with Him.
There aren’t nearly as many birds around, but here are a few I’ve enjoyed seeing. For those who might like to see more bird photos from this Home Assignment, you can use the links below. If I’ve seen a bird here in Ontario, when I saw it somewhere else, I added it to Ontario Birds. The Alberta birds are birds that I only saw in Alberta or later in Oregon, but not in Ontario. Oregon birds are the ones I only saw in Oregon. A big thanks to all those who took me to places to see birds, or stopped along the way when we spotted one of interest. And thanks to all those who have helped me identifying the birds as well. If you can identify one of the Unidentified Birds or spot a misidentified bird, please do let me know.
ONTARIO & HA Trips (120 species) http://1drv.ms/1y1p7A9
ALBERTA (34 species) http://1drv.ms/1Acx3UZ
OREGON (16 species) http://1drv.ms/1uV0jIt
Recently I’ve been reflecting on God’s lavish love and His abounding grace. We serve an awesome God!
Grateful for your prayer support,