I have covered a lot of territory and there’s still more to go!
I had fantastic visits with friends and supporters in the States and Alberta that I mentioned in my last posting and have added several trips in Ontario to that. I’ve had the joy of reconnecting with former TEAM Venezuela colleagues, short termers, and people I interpreted for, with other TEAM missionaries, staff, reps and retirees, with friends of my parents that I’ve known all my life, with friends and classmates from the years studying at Prairie Bible Institute, with relatives in Calgary, and with lots of new friends who’ve been made through those I already knew. Recently I’ve also re-connected with friends I knew from the church of my childhood and teens, and I’ve met the new pastors in the majority of my supporting churches (only two have the same pastor as last visit). I feel so privileged to know so many quality people and I’m looking forward to the visits with those I haven’t seen yet. Apart from sharing in small groups in homes and speaking in churches, I’ve participated in TEAM prayer meetings, and volunteered with my hosts at a couple of thrift stores and at a soup kitchen:
All the travel and beds and visiting can be tiring, but it’s not all work and no play! Here are some of the fun and refreshing activities I enjoyed:
I’ve been able to share with a lot of people and I’ve also been able to hear a lot of stories. It’s encouraging to hear of spiritual growth, ministry outreaches, accomplishments and enthusiasm, but my heart goes out to those who are facing life-threatening illnesses and financial difficulties. Please pray especially for a friend with ALS and several with different types of cancer or rare diseases and others recovering from surgery. We all need to remember that God is good all the time and that He does everything for His glory and the good of His children — even when we can’t see it or understand it.
I continue to find pleasure in God’s creation. Here are some bird collages for you to enjoy as well:
I learned a little about banding birds and got to release this male Magnolia Warbler:
And this photo of a Great Blue Heron is one of my favorites:
Please continue to pray for the following:
* for Craig, my supervisor, as he continues to work on my new assignment. I’m still hoping for official news to share with you soon, but his next trip isn’t until January.
* for safety as I travel.
* to be a blessing everywhere I visit.
* for new prayer and financial supporters to join the team. Praise the Lord for those who have responded to His leading already!!!
Today I will be visiting supporters and continuing on to meet up with my family for a special weekend together. The day after that I leave on my trip to New York and then I’ll fly to Oregon for a week. That happens in October and then I should be based here in Ontario, Lord-willing.
Always grateful for your prayers and
desiring God’s blessing on your lives,