Even with the help of my lovely little office assistant, too much time has passed since I last wrote. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been “doing” a lot, but the Lord has been at work in me. Our Heavenly Father is more concerned with who we are than with what we do. So, with the help of a counselor, a spiritual director, a support team, a small group, friends, books, sermons, music, and unhurried time in the Word and with the Lord, we’ve been working through the process of forgiveness and inner healing, new strategies to confront difficult personal relationships, and a deeper personal relationship with God.
The Health Care Plan also included time for refreshment and hobbies. The only birds I’ve seen in Peru and in Ontario are the Turkey Vulture and the Great Blue Heron.
The following collages show the female above the male. Let me know if you want the names of the birds.
Here are some family shots:
So far, I have 78 species photographed and identified as well as some that I haven’t identified yet. This collage is a sampling of some of the other photos.
If the pictures are too small in the email, remember that you can always check out the website at www.brendamatthews.missynew.ws where the images might be larger and clearer.
I’ve just started my Home Assignment and am actually writing from the home of a supporter in Michigan. From here I go to Illinois then Wisconsin, back to Illinois, on to Indiana, back to Michigan and then home visiting supporters, sharing at a church, and attending a TEAM workshop. I’ll have a few days at home before taking off to spend most of August visiting supporters in Alberta. I’ll try to get another report off before the next phase.
I’d appreciate prayer for the following:
* for the Lord’s clear guidance regarding my next assignment. Please pray for Craig, my supervisor, as he continues to work this. I’m hoping for official news to share later this month.
* for safety as I travel.
* to be a blessing everywhere I visit.
* for new prayer and financial supporters to join the team.
Thanks so much for your partnership in prayer and financial support and for your friendship as well.
In Christ’s love,