Brenda’s Bulletin

Archive for September, 2013


September 25, 2013 - 11:17 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

This Saturday, September 28th, we will be holding another event called Fortaleciendo Relaciones (Strengthening Relationships). Its purpose is to generate new contacts, to deepen existing friendships, and to present the Gospel. Mary, Lorena, Edita, Irma, Genoveva and I have been working on it for several weeks.

Looking closely, you can see us working on nametags and mementos, and Mary displaying the card she made for our speaker.

Please pray for a positive reception as the Piura Norte (PN) people invite their friends, for the Lord to be preparing their hearts and for fruit to be produced at the event or subsequent to it. Our speaker, Barry Wallace, will be teaching extension courses Thursday-Saturday before Fortaleciendo Relaciones and I’ll be interpreting for him the whole time, so please pray for him as he teaches and for me to be able to interpret well.

Last month I shared about Jessica’s salvation (photo). She has been coming two or three times a week for teaching. Please continue to pray for her, for a solid foundation, and for depth to her faith. Please also continue to pray for the salvation of Salomé.

Ana Rosa and Karina are two believers who wanted to continue the study I began teaching at prayer meetings last month. I’m enjoying getting to know them better and am encouraged by their desire to grow deep in the Word and to please God with their lives.

You can also see Armando and me practicing and leading worship. I appreciate his dedication and desire to serve God. His wife usually sings with us at practices and the kids have learned a song we hope to incorporate into a church service in the near future. Please pray that we would be able to lead PN in true worship and for more people to join the worship team.

The PN church now has a two-storey rental house! We’ll begin services there this Sunday. Please pray for all the preparations and that the word gets out to everyone about the new location, and praise God with us for this provision. Now the classes of the little kids and the older kids can each have their own classroom in rooms upstairs while the youth and adults remain downstairs for the message. Please pray that we’ll be able to make good use of the facilities and reach out to the neighbourhood. (Some may think there are two spelling errors in this paragraph, but it’s just the Canadian spelling.)

Grateful for your prayers,


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