Brenda’s Bulletin

Archive for March, 2013

March 22, 2013 Prayer at Work

March 22, 2013 - 5:18 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

After sending you the report of the “retreat”, I send a short report and photos to the ladies who attended. Here’s the unsolicited response of one of the ladies:

“I’m sure that the Lord set aside this precious time. We have been so blessed! Personally, I feel like my eyes have been opened. Thanks to you, Marge, Cathy and everyone who was praying for this event to occur. I am anxious for God to use me in the lives of others as He has used you! Infinite thanks, and may God continue to bless this ministry so that all of you can continue giving life!!!”

She and I thank you for your prayers! If you’d like to read Marge’s comments, she recently posted them on these two blogs (with “Piura” in the title) along with some other photos:

TEAM Horizon’s online magazine will be posting a story on it soon at

Thanks also for praying for the Strengthening Relationships event last weekend. Lots of people helped, but we still need to pray about the formation of a team that will continue on with this ministry.

March Fortaleciendo Relaciones view from backMarch Fortaleciendo Relaciones Dorita

Our Peruvian speaker works with CEF in Lima, so the Gospel was clearly shared in her timely presentation. It was obvious that she was giving pertinent information by the attentiveness, the questions turned in and the conversations held afterwards.

March Fortaleciendo Relaciones

There were 20 Piura Norte people (about half in the photo) and 17 guests (16 in the photo). I was thrilled to see five of them in church for the first time last Sunday. Please pray for the Lord to continue His work in their lives.

This Sunday I’ll have the first missions meeting with the ladies after church, to be repeated April 7 with the men. This is to give a general introduction to the 4-fold missions outreach (personal, urban, national, international) and to challenge them at the personal level to be witnessing to their friends.

Please pray for both meetings:

  • for good attendance
  • for the vision to be captured
  • for creative ideas of how to reach their family and friends with the Gospel

Please also pray for the implementation of the ideas. PN is offering a course on Relational Evangelism to prepare them to share the Gospel clearly and I’ll work with them in writing their testimonies so they can be shared at the meetings.

Be encouraged that your prayers do make a difference!


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