Brenda’s Bulletin

January 31, 2013 NEW

Posted on January 31, 2013 at 9:13 pm by Brenda Matthews

At the end of last year, I said I would let you know about new things in the New Year. I was hoping to start this last night and finish it today, but I’ve been without electricity for 20 hours (starting about 1/2 way through the small group), so now I’m at the last minute.

At the bottom of this letter, you should see TEAM’s new logo and new websites. You should check them out. Just click on the links.

Also new at TEAM, there is now a direct link to set up contributions online. Click on GIVE, then on ways to give, and then on “To give online, please click here”. Scroll down a bit and click on TEAM (if you want to give in US$) or on TEAM of Canada (if you want to give in CAD$). Then type in Matthews, Brenda, click on search and then on Add and then you’ll be at the screen to fill out the information. I am not quite at full support and don’t plan a Home Assignment until next year, so if you’d like to start contributing or increase your amount, this might be a fun and convenient way to do it. I think I wrote last year of something new and that was people taking on some of my support “out of the blue” before I was even aware of the need. That was definitely God leading, and I only want you to contribute if you sense that God is leading you to do so.

Before getting to my new responsibilities, let me ask for prayer for the people doing my old responsibilities in Piura Norte (PN):

PN Finances – Alicia

Administrative duties – Alicia

Small Group Coordination – pastor (I still lead two small groups

Children’s Ministry – Alicia (I’ll still take a turn teaching)

Multimedia – Armando

New Believer’s/Baptismal Classes – pastor

Worship – I still coordinate that and sing

My new area of ministry is MISSIONS. It has four aspects – local, urban, national and international. Once we get past the bureaucracy, I should be able to begin my new functions. Please pray for creativity, cultural sensitivity, and effectiveness in looking for ways to share the Gospel with those who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Please also pray for the Lord to indicate the people I should be working with which would also be training for them.

The local level is basically evangelism and church growth. One plan has been submitted, even though we’re waiting for some guidelines to be put in place for all the sites. This will probably be the main focus, but I’d also like to start introducing the international missionaries all the sites are/will be supporting. Urban, a ministry outreach in Piura, and national, getting involved with missions in Peru, are areas I hope to focus on a little further into the future when we have a sense of God’s direction.

In the meantime, I’m busy coordinating with two women from the US who will be coming to minister to the PN ladies February 15/16.

01 PN Misiones

We’re planning a mini-retreat (without leaving the city) and trusting God to work mightily to bring healing to areas of hurt and to bring challenge to move forward in spiritual maturity. Marge is busy making quilts to use in the teaching time and here are the invitations I made for the event (with one already given out).

00000000 2013 January

Deeply grateful for your prayer support!


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