Brenda’s Bulletin

December 14, 2011 Prayer Request

Posted on December 14, 2011 at 10:33 pm by Brenda Matthews

[If the formatting is messed up on the email, please read this at online.]

Since returning, I’ve been waiting for the meeting with the pastors from Lima and the possible candidates for the new church start. That meeting will be taking place this Friday, December 16th. It seems that the agenda has expanded, but please pray that those who are interested in being part of the new church start would be able to attend, that the presentation clearly presents the vision, and that the Lord would guide those that He wants to participate to confirm that desire after spending time in prayer.

A 2011 Sept-Oct 009I returned in October with two friends, Alice and Deb, seen here in the Lima airport. They made it possible to bring a lot of supplies back. A pancake chefs I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together.

One of the items we brought back was Maple Syrup so we could treat the small group (and others) to pancakes. We shared a little Canadian culture with them and everyone enjoyed the offerings of the chefs.

A 3 alpacas

Looks can be deceiving. We’re actually at the beach. My sunglasses were hiding an allergic reaction that started in Piura. The next day, my swollen eyes were the least of my worries. After 4 hours of body surfing, there was no sunblock left and I was very red.

G Group lunch in Catacaos

A few days after they left, Gabe and Gil arrived to teach SETE – theological extension courses. The Rojas family, visiting from Lima, invited us out for lunch along with Jorge & July to a restaurant in Catacaos.

K with Kathy at La Cabaña de Don Parece

A couple days later I met Kathy when she came to stay with me. I helped her investigate for a team of adolescents from her church to come in July. (Possibly a different team from her church is coming in February.)

K Grupo Pequeño

This is part of the small group I’ve been working with. I don’t think we’ve ever had the whole group together in one meeting. We meet in the geographical area where we hope to start the new church.

2011 Christmas meals 005

Here is another portion of the small group at my place for a meal featuring some of the traditional Venezuelan Christmas foods.

Once again, please do keep the meeting this Friday in your prayers.

God bless and Merry Christmas!


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