It’s good to be back in Peru after a very worthwhile time in Canada and the US. Thanks for your prayers for safety as I traveled most of the time. Even with the threat of strikes and flight cancelations, I was able to stay on schedule and saw even more people than had been scheduled. Most of the time, I was visiting supporters out west that I hadn’t seen in ten years. A huge THANKS to each of my hosts for making my stays so enjoyable and for their help organizing meetings to share about the ministry here in Peru. (Here are a few of the hosts)
The basic theme was change… change from Venezuela to Peru, change in culture, change in language, change in relationships, and change in ministry. There was the change from working with two couples to working with four pastors, from working with children to working with youth, and from starting a new church to temporarily helping strengthen an established church. To summarize the last 1.5 years, I helped strengthen the adolescent and youth ministries and turned them over to national leadership, taught basic Bible truths classes for new believers with the joy of seeing many of them baptized, led small groups, and worked with several people for the climax to the 40 Day campaign, Celebration Sunday.
The main message on this Home Assignment was to have total confidence in God no matter what the changes or circumstances. Psalm 62:5-8 in The Message states:
God, the one and only—
I’ll wait as long as he says.
Everything I hope for comes from him,
so why not?
He’s solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
I’m set for life.
My help and glory are in God
—granite-strength and safe-harbor-God—
So trust him absolutely, people;
lay your lives on the line for him.
God is a safe place to be.
I left each church or group with three main prayer requests. One was my need of financial support and the Lord provided what was needed. Another was for funds for the new church start. I am aware of a small amount, but I’m sure the Lord will supply this need as well. And the last was for at least one couple to work with me on the church plant. The mother church in Lima is actively pursuing this, but there is nothing definitive yet, so as I return, the last two prayer requests are still vital and I’d add a request for safety (another woman was assaulted in the park in front of my place last week) and another request for clear direction and the development of personal relationships starting the new church plant.
On the return trip, I was accompanied by two friends who stayed almost two weeks. We put on a pancake supper with original maple syrup for the small group and for another group of friends and they taught an English class at the church school along with a few days of relaxation at the beach. A few days later, Gabe and Gil arrived to teach the theological extension courses. I was especially glad to see Gabe because he brought the internet modem (and my keys and money) that I had forgotten in Canada. The course was well attended, and now I’m connected to the internet and email again. So, after a good home assignment and very enjoyable visits from friends, I’m ready to put my hands to the plough.
Thanks for your prayers as we begin to prepare the soil for the church plant.
God bless!