Brenda’s Bulletin

April 12, 2010 First Steps in Ministry

Posted on April 12, 2010 at 9:22 pm by Brenda Matthews

My apologies for not writing for a while.  I’ve been in Piura for just over a month now and the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activity.

I let you know that the Lord led me to an apartment within a few days of my arrival.  They’re very hard to find, so even though I was nervous about signing on an apartment still under construction, we signed the contract.  I was supposed to be able to move in April 1st (no joke), but it’s still not quite ready.  While the owner continues with the final construction details, I’ve contracted a worker to put up the rejas (the metal security bars) on the windows, a carpenter to hang closet doors and make a couple items for the kitchen, and a locksmith to change the keys.  I also made major purchases at a reputable department store in another city and I ordered furniture here in Piura.  All of the above should have been ready by Easter (except the locksmith), but it’s been a long series of waiting, more waiting, and wait some more, but maybe this week everything will be done.

After a scare that I might need to look for a new apartment, the owner has been very gracias.  He won’t start charging rent until I actually move in, but he has allowed me to change the lock and start storing my things there as they’re ready.  Because of it being brand new, I’m going to have to do a lot of cleaning.  It’s freshly painted, but there are paint splatters all over the floor and workers have been using the bathrooms even though there is no water.

I have felt a lot of pressure because of starting up ministry involvement before being settled.  I start teaching a new believer’s class this Tuesday and I have the adolescent leaders meeting with me in my new apartment this Sunday, April 18th (when I still haven’t moved in yet)!  I would really like to get at my books and materials to prepare for that meeting, but they’re in suitcases stored at the church.  I’ll start taking them to the apartment so I can go through them, but I don’t even have a chair or table there yet to work at.  But God knows all these things, so please pray that I will be able to both prepare for the ministry activities and get settled in the apartment.  I’m hoping all that will happen this week.

I should have written before Easter to ask you to pray for the evangelistic campaign that was held last Thursday to Sunday.  We distributed about 4,000 invitations to come to the meetings.  We used the main auditorium, even though it’s under renovation, and the attendance was encouraging considering the difficulties to overcome in Piura.  Over 40 decisions for Christ were made and about half of them came to the reception last week.  I’m looking forward to seeing how many come to the new believers’ class.  Please pray that those who responded would sense an intense need to deepen their relationship with God.

I invited one of the young ladies from the office below my new apartment to come to church with me yesterday, Sunday.  She did come and enjoyed it.  Please pray for fruitful opportunities to share with Frida.

Hopefully I’ll soon be settled in my new apartment and will have more time to write and include photos.

Depending on your prayers,


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