Greetings Everyone!
This is just a note to let you know that I made it safely to Peru.
The Lord provided all along the way. The McCordics and Bezansons took me to the airport. After checking in without problems, they filled a cart with the 3 boxes and one of the big suitcases so I could push it and pull the other big suitcase with the carry-on and computer bag/purse attached to it through customs. I could manage until the S-turns in line, but God provided a kind man who managed the cart and I took his suitcase to pull along with mine. The guy at the baggage drop-off helped with my big suitcases and another guy helped where I dropped off the boxes.
The connections and flights all went smoothly to New York and then overnight to Lima. In Lima I was able to get two carts. I loaded them with all my stuff (my back is sore but still working!) and then asked a worker in the airport to help because I couldn’t manage both on my own. I got the green light at customs so walked right through and only waited a couple of minutes for the chauffeur to find me.
Driving in Lima is something else! He brought me to the home of one of the families from the church, Miro y Fulvita Rojas. The number here is 511 273 7126. We arrived just after 9 am and they made me feel right at home. I slept all day and I’m sure I’ll sleep tonight as well! I need to be at the Evangelical Council office at 8 am to start the process to obtain my Peruvian papers.
Thank you for your prayers. God bless!