I am writing again to share the good news with everyone!
Nov. 12 everything was looking very complicated, but after prayer and some phone calls, the credit was available to purchase the ticket when the time came, and I found out about a few days of grace on returning the leased car.
Nov. 14 I reached the minimum financial amount required by TEAM which allowed me to purchase the ticket. However, due to a busy schedule, I could not make the purchase right away. Oh, the suspense!
Nov. 15th, after a full day, I was finally able to purchase my ticket in the evening to leave November 30th arriving in Lima at 6:35 am December 1.
Nov. 16th I received the e-ticket – the last piece necessary to pick up the visa.
Nov. 17th I was able to drive the lease to Toronto and get the visa stamped in my passport.
Nov. 18th I returned the lease.
God seems to always wait until the last minute to bring the details together and to do it in such a way that it was obviously Him. To God be all the glory!
Could it be possible that God will provide the full, recommended amount of financial support before I leave? That would again be all His doing. Please continue praying that His will be done. I know that prayer support is even more important, but it is not easily measured like the financial support is. I do cherish your prayers.
Please pray for me as I have a lot to do next week between laundry, packing, cleaning, organizing stuff I have not been able to get done in the last seven months, and all the good-byes as I am again caught in the emotional tug-of-war being sad to leave where I am but excitedly looking forward to where I am going.
Some of you have checked out the website, but it is still under construction. I think that the presentation is still not downloading correctly, so please wait until I let you know that it is working before checking that out.
I appreciate every e-mail that I receive, but in the last few weeks I have received more than I can answer. Please forgive me if I do not get back to you, but I will try to keep everyone posted on what the Lord is doing through these mailings. This is NOT a plea that you stop writing, but that you allow a lot of time before I answer – either personally or through the next post to the website.
I also do not know how much internet access will be available for the first several months in Peru. The first weeks will be spent establishing my residency in Peru, and then I travel to Venezuela to pick up my things there. After that I will be in Arequipa with the other TEAM missionaries for orientation and then I spend about a month in the mother church in Lima for training. It sounds like it will be March before I actually arrive in Piura and start looking for a place to live so that I can get into the ministry there. It will be soooooo nice to finally be settled in my own place again after months living out of a suitcase. Please do pray for me in each of these activities.
A huge thanks to all those who are praying and giving so that I can go, each of us doing our part in obedience to the call of our Lord.
Rejoicing in the gracious provisions of our Sovereign God!