Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Time is flying by! Last month I wrote, In the five months that I’ve been home, half of the necessary financial support has been pledged. If I am to leave in November, the rest needs to come in quickly. If you feel the Lord is leading you to begin sending financial support or to increase what you are giving, please let me know as well as notifying TEAM. If you’d like information about pre-authorized payments, I can send you the form and TEAM will send you the tax deductible receipts. This is a huge need and prayer request, but I am fully confident that the Lord will supply this need in His perfect timing.
Praise the Lord with me that almost all the support has come in! I was hoping that it would be in before Wednesday so I could purchase my ticket and pick up the visa when I was in Toronto last Thursday. Unfortunately that did not happen. Please pray that the Lord will supply the small amount that remains to meet the minimum financial requirement in time to purchase the ticket and pick up the visa before returning the car November 15 and that more support would come in so I would be closer to the idea financial requirement before I leave for Peru. If you would like to join my support team, please notify me immediately at with the amount of monthly support. If this does happen, I will probably leave for Peru in the last week of November. It is exciting to be so close to the goal!
In my last letter I also thanked all those who have provided hospitality and I extend that same gratitude to those I have visited since then. As much as I enjoy traveling and visiting you, I hope I have made my last trip in North America. October was full of day-trips until the last week when I was in London and Paris (Ontario :) ) and New York, and this past week I traveled to Thornbury, Barrie, Cobourg and Toronto, Ontario. I also received my Yellow Fever and Typhoid Fever shots in October and plan to receive the H1N1 before the end of the month.
TEAM MK, Stephen Weber, has been helping me set up a website. It is still under construction and will be down for the next several days as Stephen works on improvements. This is the first mailing to go out from there and it should be ready for you to check out the next time I write. I hope the next mailing will be to let you know my travel date or that it will be written from Peru. :) Please excuse any glitches in this letter.
Being in transition, there have been many changes and I will be facing more changes in the next weeks. Last night I found out about another change. The Peruvians that I will be working with and the leadership of the mother church in Lima met recently and have forged a new strategy. In the old one they were asking me to head up the work with the children. Now they are asking me to focus on Missions and Youth Work. This presents a different challenge, so please pray that the Lord will prepare me and guide me in this new ministry focus.
I confess to you that I am feeling very tired, so I am trying to get some rest today. I hope to start packing soon and that strains my back, so please pray that I will be rested and healthy with a strong back for the trip to Peru. Please also pray for wisdom in making travel arrangements when that time comes.
Grateful as always for your prayers and the Lord’s answers,