Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I’d like to review and update last month’s prayer requests and let you know what’s next.
Please pray for safety driving and for good health. The Lord has been answering this one and it takes on new significance now. July 15th– August 18th I’ll be driving to visit friends/supporters in southern Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. I’ll also be at TEAM for debriefing and a week of REAP (Re-entry, Evaluation And Preparation).
Please pray that the Lord would provide opportunities to share with individuals and churches that would join my support team. Please pray that the Lord would supply these needs in His perfect timing. This also continues as a valid request. I’ll be speaking at two churches on the trip. PTL that one of those churches has already committed to taking on some of my support!
Please pray for the Lord to provide the right visa at the right time. July 10th I received word that my visa has been approved! I have six months to pick up the visa and be in Peru. I have to have my ticket to Peru before I can receive the visa and I have to have the necessary financial support before that, so please pray for new supporters. I still need to contact many of you before the Peru departure goal of November, 2009.
We would like to add a missionary couple to the team, so please pray for that to happen. This is another on-going request.
<!–[if gte vml 1]> <![endif]–>July 6-9th I was privileged to attend a Women of the Harvest retreat for missionary ladies on furlough. It was a blast! Linda Dillow spoke on worship with some very challenging messages. There were small groups and other workshops along with a lot of pampering. All this took place beside the Garden of the Gods on the Navigator property in Colorado Springs. The scenery was breath-taking and new friendships were developed.
Grateful to God for His abundant goodness,