I’m back! It’s hard to believe that I’ve been back in Canada for a month. I was exhausted leaving Venezuela, so I crashed the first few days. I’m so thankful that Cathy and Bruce have provided a place to stay and loving care. They are gracious hosts. God also answered prayer providing a car and insurance at good prices. Please pray for safety driving and for good health.
The car came just when I needed it to start making presentations. Please pray that the Lord would provide opportunities to share with individuals and churches that would join my support team. I need quite a bit of additional financial support in order to be able to leave for Peru. It would also be great to learn of more prayer partners to support this new ministry. Please pray that the Lord would supply these needs in His perfect timing.
The goal is to leave for Piura, Peru this November. In order to do that, I need the financial support and a visa for Peru. The visa application process has begun. We are hoping that a resident visa will be granted, but there may be a problem with the paperwork that would necessitate going as a tourist and changing the visa in Peru. Please pray for the Lord to provide the right visa at the right time. Once the resident visa has been approved, I have to pick it up and be in Peru within six months. I can never be out of Peru more than six months at a time or I’d lose the visa.
<!–[if gte vml 1]> <![endif]–>The team of Peruvians in Piura is anxiously awaiting my arrival. Eloy and Lorena (far right) began the work. They became Christians while working in Lima. When they moved back to Piura, they began sharing what God had done in their lives with their family and friends and soon had a group studying the Bible. They asked their church in Lima for help, so the church sent Jorge and July (left) and Marco and Mariana (centre). Jorge is the team leader and pastor, July heads up the women’s ministries, Marco leads the youth and music and Mariana is expecting their first child in August. Each couple leads a small group and has another couple from the church in training with the goal of the small groups multiplying this year. They would like me to develop the children’s ministries as well as support the women’s ministries, teach and disciple. I’m really looking forward to it! We would like to add a missionary couple to the team, so please pray for that to happen.
“Thank you!” to each one of you who prays and gives so I can go as the Lord leads. I know that the economic times are difficult, but God’s promise is to supply the needs of those who give to His work (Phil. 4:18, 19) and to do it according to His riches in glory. There is no crisis there!
Praying God’s richest blessings on you,