Brenda’s Bulletin

Archive for March, 2009

March 2009

March 31, 2009 - 2:55 pm - Posted by Brenda Matthews

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

I want to thank you again for your prayers and ask that you continue to pray for me.

I hope the technical difficulties have been resolved.  The phone and internet were down again last week, but this time it seems like the problem has been fixed.  The on-line banking is working again too, so that helps.

I was hoping to have all the sorting and destruction of documents done by now.  I’m not quite there, but close to the end.  I was also hoping to have everything of mine and the office sold by now, but there is still more to sell.  Please pray that all the sales occur quickly and for wisdom packing.

I have been very encouraged as the farewells have started.  Saturday one of the groups from IBFE had a delicious supper and provided an opportunity to share how the Lord is leading.  It was thrilling to see the response of the people in their prayers and their desire to be able to send teams to help with evangelism and training in Piura!  Then Sunday I was invited to share at Dios Admirable, the church I served in about ten years ago.  It was fantastic to see the youth I worked with then now in leadership in the church and one of the youth leaders I trained is now a missionary and coming to visit this afternoon.  The Lord also arranged for friends that I haven’t seen for months to bump into me on the street last week (very literally because I was deep in thought about all I had to do) and for Belkis to spend a couple of days helping me with tasks to get ready to leave.  I hope to go to Barquisimeto the week after Easter to celebrate my birthday and say good-byes there as well.  I am so grateful to God for the wonderful opportunities He gave me to serve in Venezuela and for the joy of seeing some of the fruit.

As I finish here, I’m also planning my home assignment and getting ready for ministry in Peru.  I’d like to share a couple of resources with you.  You will probably have to paste this link in your browser

but it will allow you to read the recent article on LINC, which includes Piura, and to see the accompanying video.  At the site you will see TEAM Horizons and the box Magazine-Current.  Click on the arrow and select Vol. 4.1 Grow. Train. Send. from the menu to be able to read the article.

To watch the video, click on the TV.  Under Print and Video Resources, click on the arrow after Videos & DVDs and select TH 4.1 LINC.  The video is 14:30 minutes long and I appear briefly at 3:20 and 5:55 minutes.  There is also a short version that only highlights the country leaders.

Please continue to pray regarding my home assignment.  I will need the use of a vehicle from May to November or portions of that time.  If you know of any possibilities, please let me know.  If you know of any churches or groups looking for a missionary speaker or for a missionary to support, please give them my name and info and let me know!  J  If a strong support base could be established in southern Ontario, I wouldn’t need to do so much traveling and would be able to minister more in my supporting churches.  I realize that the economy is tough, but I trust the Lord to supply so I will be able to join the team in Piura in His perfect timing.

I am deeply grateful for your prayer and financial support over the last 24 years and hope that we will continue to minister together for many more years.

May God richly bless you!


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