Brenda’s Bulletin

November 30, 2012 Still Alive!

Posted on November 29, 2012 at 10:57 pm by Brenda Matthews

I have gotten behind on correspondence before, but I think this is the worst. Thank you for your patience and thanks to those who have been writing to see if I’m still alive and for encouraging me with the assurance of your prayers. May God richly bless each of you!

Back in August when I last wrote (how embarrassing!!!!), I asked for prayer for Genoveva and Irma. They have both been faithfully attending their small groups and other activities and Irma has been faithfully attending church as well. We just had a baby shower for her daughter and she shared that she received several comments from the non-Christians who attended about how impressed they were with the support from the Piura Norte (PN) people. I spoke with two ladies who expressed interest in coming to the Wednesday night small group, but neither came. Please pray for Isabel and Salomé (the closest ladies in the collage) that the Lord would be preparing their hearts. Both are friends of Irma.

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Olimpia and her youngest son reunited with her husband in Spain. I’ve been meeting with her young adult son, Carlos Alberto doing a Bible study in English as he prepares to take a Master’s course in English in Spain next year.

I had a wonderful time in Canada visiting with family and friends for the first part of my vacation.

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Before leaving on vacation, I had asked to be relieved of the church leadership responsibilities because the pastor and I have very different approaches to leadership, so, a couple weeks after returning, I spent a week in Lima. My request was granted and produced the formation of the “council” to oversee and give direction to the sites and also resulted in the formation of the PN leadership team I had been suggesting since June (except that I’m not part of it).

I was very happy to turn over the financial responsibilities to Alicia after closing October and have continued working with the children’s class, coordinating worship, preparing the EasyWorship program, leading small groups, and coordinating with the mission team coming from Lima to minister here in December. I actually carried on with everything related to the Sunday service during the second part of my vacation which was spent here with a visit from Belkis from Venezuela. We had a fantastic time together and Belkis was able to meet the people I’m working with here, enjoy the delicious Peruvian cuisine, and even taught a children’s class (with me as a puppet!). The best part was getting away to the beach for a few days of relaxation.

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That brings you up to the present, but this is long enough. I’ll try to write again in a week or two, but you could be praying for PN’s first baptisms December 8th, the Lima mission team’s evangelistic ministry December 14-16, and my transition to a new role. Maybe I’ll have TEAM’s new logo up for the next letter.

Always grateful for your prayers!


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