Brenda’s Bulletin

November 29, 2010 The Last Week!

Posted on November 29, 2010 at 9:40 pm by Brenda Matthews

We’re into the last week of the 40 Days of Purpose campaign and Celebration Sunday (CS) is fast approaching!

I’ve been leading a small group on the other side of town Mondays and hosting and leading one in my apartment Wednesdays.  In the photo, the top of the head belongs to my neighbour, Jhonny, and the two girls (one is partially visible) are from the office below my apartment, Lucia and Frida.  Please pray for their salvation.  The other four are believers from church.  Not in the picture is another friend from church and her co-worker, Karol, who has not been able to return to the group due to her mother’s health.  The photo captures a moment watching the video teaching that is followed by discussion.

CS preparations have been keeping me very busy.  I’m grateful for lots of people working with me, but I’m still involved in everything.  We’ve been taping testimonies and are working on making those into videos.  Lots of people have been taking pictures and we’re working on a presentation of them and will be printing them as well as part of the decorations.  We’ve been making the decorations and are in the process of preparing as much as we can before CS.  We’ve been working on the program and purchasing items for that and the decorations with more to be done.  We’re working on having a cake (and others are working on food).  And we’re preparing a drama, with the first meeting with the actors in the photo.

According to the responses the past two Sundays, there will be just over 900 people (including children) from church and some small groups at CS.  Added to that will be more non-church small group participants and other guests, so you can see this is a major undertaking (from my perspective, at least!).  Please pray for Carmen (middle of sofa above) and I as we host the CS festivities and for everyone else involved.  Our desire is that God be glorified as we celebrate what He has done in our midst during these 40 days. 

 There are normally three worship services each Sunday, but this Sunday there will be one joint service in the morning with baptisms and the Lord’s Supper, so that will be a  special time as well.  One of those to be baptized is Rosalía who was in my New Life in Christ class and is the hostess of the other small group that I lead.

Incredibly grateful for your prayers!


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